Hello Everyone & Welcome to another Black Hat Ethical Hacking Episode.

Previously we saw and tested the new Raspberry Pi 4 with the latest release of Kali.
In this episode we will focus on cloning with GitHub a small collection that we use, showcasing some of the offensive & digital forensic tools, with a purpose of spending time installing, working with each tool independently, such as Xerosploit to perform sniffing using the built in new WiFi card, which lets you sniff / attack WiFi, without adding another antenna, like the Raspberry Pi 3. And Using the new hardware of the Raspberry Pi 4 to generate payloads with TheFatRat, something that was not possible to do in the previous Raspberry Pi 3, due to the architecture.

If you would like to see a tool, you can contact us, leave a comment and we will let you know!


This video is performed for educational purpose only, it will help Cyber Security Researchers expand their knowledge as to how such attacks take place, everything is done on self-owned machines and do not support promotion for such techniques, we are not responsible for any damage done in reference to this training, Black Hat Ethical Hacking or any security research engineer performing this demo is not held responsible for the actions of others and do not influence such attacks to be done WITHOUT the consents of the other party or part of a penetration testing after an NDA agreement signed between both parties.

#Raspberry #kali_linux #ethical_hacking

Kali Linux & The Raspberry Pi 4 - Offensive Security Tools Collection
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