In this article, we’ll learn how we can use TypeScript with React and built components that are usable within both TypeScript and JavaScript files.

TypeScript has been gaining a lot of popularity recently due to how it helps improve the development experience by catching errors and suggesting fixes prior to running the code. For this reason, TypeScript goes a long way towards preventing any runtime errors and reducing bugs.

TypeScript does this by extending JavaScript to add types and perform type checking during development, as a result, all type errors must be fixed prior to running the code, similar to languages such as Elm.

TypeScript is fairly great and in some cases, you may want to plug it into a codebase that already utilizes JavaScript, this can be used hand in hand with your JavaScript code or to gradually migrate your codebase to JavaScript. In this article, we’ll be looking at how we can use TypeScript with React and built components that are usable within both TypeScript and JavaScript files. To do this we’ll be building a simple display component that takes in some data and shows it to the user.

If you wish to take a look at the code from this application you can check out this GitHub repo.

#react #typescript #javascript #web-development

Build React Components for Codebases that use JavaScript & TypeScript
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