Learn to Match Any Pattern. It is Easier Than You Think.

The regular expression is nothing but a sequence of characters that matches a pattern in a piece of text or a text file. It is used in text mining in a lot of programming languages. The characters of the regular expression are pretty similar in all the languages. But the functions of extracting, locating, detecting, and replacing can be different in different languages.

In this article, I will use R. But you can learn how to use the regular expression from this article even if you wish to use some other language. It may look too complicated when you do not know it. But as I mentioned at the top it is easier than you think it is. I will try to explain it as much as I can. You are welcome to ask me questions in the comment section if you did not understand any part.

Here we will learn by doing. I will start with very basic ideas and slowly move towards more complicated patterns.

I used RStudio for all the exercises in this article.

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A Complete Beginners Guide to Regular Expressions in R
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