PHP is a powerful programming language that empowers thousands of websites and applications, and Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks of this language.

There are many  PHP frameworks available with robust technicalities other than Laravel, such as Symfony, CodeIgniter, Phalcon, and more.

Yet, Laravel is unmatched.

Over the last few years, its popularity has been humongous, and is one of the top trending repositories over GitHub, having 62k+ stars.

In this article, I’ll be discussing Laravel, why it’s so famous, and then some of the best Laravel hosting platforms for you.


  1. Forge
  2. A2 Hosting
  3. Cloudways
  4. Servebolt
  5. fortrabbit
  6. ServerPilot
  7. FastComet
  8. Vapor

#hosting #laravel

8 Reliable Laravel Hosting for Small to Big Sites
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