AWS Billing and Cost Management

One of the benefits of AWS Control Tower, through its use of AWS Organizations, is consolidated billing:

You can use the consolidated billing feature in AWS Organizations to consolidate billing and payment for multiple AWS accounts or multiple Amazon Internet Services Pvt. Ltd (AISPL) accounts. Every organization in AWS Organizations has a master (payer) account that pays the charges of all the member (linked) accounts

— AWS — Consolidated billing for AWS Organizations

As part of the consolidated billing, we can use the _Monthly Spend by Linked Account View _report:

Image for post

Note: Looking at the separate Monthly Spend by Service View report, we can see that most of the baseline cost of AWS Control Tower is associated with AWS Config operating in each of the five Regions in each of the Accounts; details on expected costs can be found in AWS Control Tower pricing.

Likewise, we can create Budgets that alert based on a budget amount filtered by a particular member Account.

**Note: **As a sidebar, AWS calculates AWS Support fees independently for each member (linked) account. Typically an AWS Support subscription for a linked account does not apply to the entire organization. Each account subscribes independently.

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AWS Control Tower By Example: Part 4
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