Next.js Crash Course

In this video we will look at the fundamentals of Next.js such as SSR & SSG, routing, data fetching, apis and more

0:00 - Intro & Slides
6:52 - Getting Setup with create-next-app
8:23 - Files & Folders
11:37 - Pages & Routing
13:14 - Head
16:05 - Layouts & CSS Modules
20:56 - Nav Component & Link
23:34 - Create a Header
25:05 - Styled JSX
27:46 - Custom Document
31:16 - Data Fetching
32:02 - getStaticProps()
33:58 - Showing Data
40:15 - Nested Routing
42:46 - getServerSideProps()
46:00 - getStaticPaths()
49:47 - Export a Static Website
53:18 - API Routes
59:24 - Using the API Data
1:03:48 - Custom Meta Component



Learn Next.js - Crash Course for Beginners
6.70 GEEK