Often authentication involves verification of predefined credentials a user provides as an agreement for the web services provided on the platform. On the other hand Authorization in system security is the process of giving the user permission to access a specific resource or function. This term is often used interchangeably with access control or client privilege.

In this two-parts articles, we will take a look at how to capture user information using forms, store the credentials in a Mysql database, authenticate the user, use flask sessions and cookies to authorize access persistently to other parts of a web application and finally log users out of the application. This is part 2 of the two and much of the work will be focused on creating the scripts for authentication, authorization, and logging users out using sessions and web cookies.

Table of Content

  • What we want to achieve
  • Our working environment
  • Creating authentication scripts and Authorizing users to different pages persistently with sessions
  • Creating the Login.html, layout.html, and uesr_profile, HTML templates and incorporating template inheritance
  • Conclusion

#flask #python #tailwind css #web developemnt #authentication #tailwind css

 Creating flask session and cookie authentication system part 2: Python and Flask part 8
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