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HTML5 gave us the ability to add arbitrary pieces of information called data attributes to an element to use behind the scenes for any purpose you wish, and here I will demonstrate how to use them in JavaScript.

I put data attributes to good use in my Interactive Periodic Table. There is plenty of information around on the topic but often with simplistic or contrived examples so here I will present a real-world usage with a simplified version of the Periodic Table.

You can add a custom data attribute to an element by hard-coding it into the HTML, prefixing the name with data-, for example:

<div id=”div1" data-manufacturer=”nikon” data-model=”d6">Nikon D6</div>

In JavaScript you can access an element’s data attributes for reading and writing using its dataset property which is of DOMStringMap type and is basically a collection of key/value pairs. The keys are the names used for the attributes but without the data- prefix, so for the above example we would use manufacturer and model, as shown below.

const element = document.getElementById(“div1”);

console.log(element.dataset.manufacturer); // nikon
console.log(element.dataset.model); // d6
element.dataset.manufacturer = “canon”;
element.dataset.model = “EOS 90D”;

It is also easy to find elements with certain data attribute values using querySelector, for example:

const element = document.querySelector(“[data-manufacturer=’nikon’][data-model=’d6']”);

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Using HTML5 Data Attributes with JavaScript
1.55 GEEK