A React component to view a PDF document

A React component to view a PDF document. It’s written in TypeScript, and powered by React hooks completely.


Basic features

  • [x] Support password protected document
  • [x] Zooming: Support custom levels such as actual size, page fit, and page width
  • [x] Navigation between pages
  • [x] Can go to the first and last pages quickly
  • [x] Search for text
  • [x] Preview page thumbnails
  • [x] View and navigate the table of contents
  • [x] List and download attachments
  • [x] Rotating
  • [x] Text selection and hand tool modes
  • [x] Different scrolling modes
  • [x] Full screen mode
  • [x] Can open a file from local. Users can drag and drop a local file to view it
  • [x] Download file
  • [x] View the document properties
  • [x] Support SSR


  • [x] The toolbar can be customized easily
  • [x] All text items can be localized in another language

Coming soon

  • [ ] Theming
  • [ ] Darkmode


Perform the following steps to have the simplest example. For more demos, please look at the demo folder.

  1. Install packages
$ npm install @phuocng/react-pdf-viewer
$ npm install pdfjs-dist

  1. Import CSS and components
import Viewer, { Worker } from '@phuocng/react-pdf-viewer';

import '@phuocng/react-pdf-viewer/cjs/react-pdf-viewer.css';
  1. Use the component
<Worker workerUrl="https://unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist@2.2.228/build/pdf.worker.min.js">
    <div style={{ height: '750px' }}>
        <Viewer fileUrl="/path/to/document.pdf" />


  1. Build:
$ npm run build

Then it will produce two formats available in the dist folder:

└─── dist
    ├─── cjs    // CommonJS package
    └─── umd    // UMD package

  1. Lint:
$ npm run lint

It will check if the entire source code compatible with TSLint. The tslint.log file will let us know if there’s any file which doesn’t pass the checks.

Download Details:

Author: phuoc-ng

Official Website: https://github.com/phuoc-ng/react-pdf-viewer

#reactjs #javascript

A React component to view a PDF document
53.80 GEEK