Read on to know how you can speed up JavaScript testing with Selenium and WebDriverIO by adopting some of the best practices.

Automation testing has become an integral part of the Agile way of software development. As the application grows, it becomes crucial to have a reliable testing framework to cope with the development velocity, detect the bugs at an early stage, and ensure quality. However, to achieve greater speed, scalability, wider test coverage, and a better ROI, it becomes important to adopt various testing strategies. WebdriverIO is a JavaScript testing framework extensively adopted by top-companies worldwide to simply and concisely fulfill all their testing needs quickly and efficiently.

Built on top of NodeJS and Selenium Webdriver (W3C WebDriver) API, WebdriverIO supports both web and mobile application testing. Since you are taking your time to read this article, it means you might fall into any of the below categories:

  • You might be just starting with WebdriverIO and want to lay the foundation right to build a robust framework for JavaScript testing.
  • You are already using WebdriverIO and seeking out how to optimize your framework and speed up the JavaScript testing.
  • You might be keen on getting some idea on how to level up your JavaScript with Selenium automated testing game and extract more out of the framework.

In this article, we will be trying to cater to each of these requirements and see how to speed up JavaScript testing. With the expectation that at least a few of the tips mentioned here will save your day, let’s get started!

#javascript #webdriverio #selenium #testing

How To Speed Up JavaScript Testing With Selenium and WebDriverIO?
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