Multiple errors attempting to solve a function with fsolve and sym solve in python

I am trying to solve the function below. I've attempted to use a symbolic solver and fsolve. Both are causing me trouble. First time posting, I apologize in advance if I'm missing something in my question.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this? I am solving for y, everything else is a known variable.

cos(y) + ((xi - tdd) / y) * sin(y)) - exp(xi - tii)

I attempted this in python using two ways, both did not work. The first is:

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import sympy as sym
from sympy import *

def fi(y):
return (cos(y) + ((xi - tdd) / y) * sin(y)) - exp(xi - tii))

With this code I get this error:

AttributeError: ‘ImmutableDenseNDimArray’ object has no attribute ‘could_extract_minus_sign’

I also tried this:

y= symbols(‘y’)
yi=solve(cos(y) + ((xi - tdd) / y) * sin(y)) - exp(xi - tii))

And got this error:

NotImplementedError: multiple generators [y, tan(y/2)] No algorithms are implemented to solve equation y*(10000000000000000*(-tan(y/2)**2 + 1)/(tan(y/2)**2 + 1) - 9849605264665270) - 300789470669454*tan(y/2)/(tan(y/2)**2 + 1)

This is how I solved it in Matlab (i and j because I have x values in a matrix that need to be solve):

fi= @(y,x) (cos(y) + (((x-tdd)/y)*sin (y))) - exp((x - tii));
yi(i)=fzero(@(y) fi(y,xi(i,j)),.01);

#python #matlab

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