Is there a simple way to get the key of the dictionary in the dictionary with no error?

I use this code to get the key of the dictionary in the dictionary with python:

dict_1 = {'name':{'emp':'peter'},"age":34}
name = dict_1.get('name1')
if name is not None:
    emp_name = dict_1.get('name').get('emp_1')

But here is a judgement.In fact,I don't want this judgement,when I remove this judgment, I write it as a line likes this:

dict_1 = {'name':{'emp':'peter'},"age":34}
emp_name = dict_1.get('name_2').get('emp')

The error message is:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get

Actually, I just don't want to add if judgment for the beautiful code.

But when I modify my code to a line,an error has occurred.

Is there any way to write the code emp_name = dict_1.get('name_2').get('emp')a line when no key is found, no error occurs?


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