FLTK: The Fast, Lightweight, Cross-Platform C++ GUI Toolkit

README - Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK) Version 1.4.0


The Fast Light Tool Kit is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for 
UNIX®/Linux® (X11 or Wayland), Microsoft® Windows®, and macOS®.
FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and
supports 3D graphics via OpenGL® and its built-in GLUT
emulation. It was originally developed by Mr. Bill Spitzak
and is currently maintained by a small group of developers
across the world with a central repository on GitHub.

For more information see README.txt:


# clang-format control file for the FLTK project.
# Copyright 2017-2022 by Bill Spitzak and others.
# This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
# the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
# file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
#     https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
# Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues:
#     https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php
# Important notes:
# This is a preliminary, experimental version of a clang-format control file.
# To use all options including embedded comments to switch formatting
# temporarily off and on in source files (see below) clang-format 3.6
# or later is required.
# https://www.fltk.org/cmp.php#CODING_STANDARDS
# For more information about clang-format please refer to the online docs at:
# https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
# https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
# Embedded comments ("clang-format pragma's") in the source code:
#   // clang-format off
#   // clang-format on
#   /* clang-format off */
#   /* clang-format on */
# can be used to switch clang-format(ting) temporarily off in a source file.
# This is particularly useful for embedded pixmaps and other tables
# like menu arrays that are pre-formatted for better readability.

# The options used for FLTK are based on predefined style options of LLVM,
# which are also the default settings of clang-format.
# For a full list of LLVM settings please use
#   clang-format -style=llvm -dump-config

# FLTK settings (currently experimental).

BasedOnStyle:                                   LLVM

# The Language tag marks C++ options

# Language:                                     Cpp

# The following options override the LLVM style definitions, if set.

# Uncomment one of the following option lines if indenting with tabs
# shall be used. Note: tab spacing is still 8 columns, tabs are only
# used for indents of 8 columns or more.
# Option "Always" seems to fail counting columns: comments may not be
# adjusted as expected (as of clang-format 3.6 and 3.8).
# This applies only if "AlignTrailingComments: true" is also set (default).
# UseTab can be set to 'Never' (default) or 'ForIndentation' to avoid
# this annoying bug of clang-format.
# UseTab:                                       Always
UseTab:                                         Never

# Should we extend code lines beyond 80 columns ?
# Default: 80
ColumnLimit:                                    100

# The FLTK CMP requires that case labels are indented (LLVM: false)
IndentCaseLabels:                               true

# Should we keep two or more consecutive empty lines ?
# LLVM default is 1.

MaxEmptyLinesToKeep:                            2

# Present FLTK source code contains some short blocks and if statements
# in one line, but we should better make it consistent and NOT use the
# following "Allow..." statements (leave them commented out):
# LLVM default values:
# AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine:                false
# AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine:             All
# AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine:          false
# AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine:                 false
# FLTK values:
# AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine:                true
# AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine:          true

# Short inline functions in header files are an exception to the above "rule":

AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine:               Inline

# The following is particularly useful for macros with continuation lines.
# LLVM default: AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft:       false

AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft:                       true

# Include files should be left as-is until we *know* we can
# sort them without bad side effects.
# LLVM default: true

SortIncludes:                                   false

# Multiple constructor initializers must be on consecutive lines.
# Note: this is NOT (always) true in current FLTK code!

BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma:        true

# Constructor initializers will be indented by 2 spaces.
# LLVM default: 4

ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth:              2

# Continuation lines (if automatically wrapped) may be indented differently.
# This does not apply to function call arguments which are aligned to the
# opening bracket.
# LLVM default: 4
# ContinuationIndentWidth:                      2

# Most of FLTK's code uses 'void *p' as opposed to 'void* p'.
# This is particularly useful in combined declarations like:
# int var, var2, *pv, **pp;
# Note: clang-format uses "Right" in such combined declarations anyway,
# so to be consistent the best setting appears to be "Right".
# clang-format can try to derive the setting from code in the file, but this
# is error-prone and can lead to inconsistent settings in different files.
# Note: this also applies to references like 'int &w, int &h', for instance
# in function parameter lists.

DerivePointerAlignment:                         false
PointerAlignment:                               Right


# Git attributes for special files
# files not mentioned here are either text files
# or their types are "guessed" properly by Git
# todo (migration from svn to git):
# - do we need to define Git attributes for source and text files?
# - if yes, how to migrate "svn:eol-style native" to Git?
# - which attributes do we need for fluid (.fl) files?

# files that will not be exported in source tarballs
# (note: .git is not exported anyway)

makesrcdist     export-ignore   eol=lf
.gitattributes  export-ignore
.github         export-ignore
.gitignore      export-ignore
.gitlab-ci.yml  export-ignore

# fluid files (eol=lf or text?)

*.fl            eol=lf

# shell scripts etc. with Unix line endings (lf)

*.ac            eol=lf
*.in            eol=lf
*.desktop       eol=lf
*.sh            eol=lf

fltk-config.in  eol=lf

documentation/make_pdf          eol=lf
misc/update_config_scripts      eol=lf

# files with Windows line endings (crlf)

*.rc            eol=crlf
*.bat           eol=crlf

# binary files

*.ico           binary
*.icns          binary
*.jar           binary
*.png           binary
*.jpg           binary
*.ttf           binary
*.xcf           binary
*.xcf_gz        binary

# image files that consist of ASCII text

# *.xbm         text
# *.xpm         text


# Files to be ignored by Git (do not commit)

# Ignore everywhere, also in subdirectories


# CMake build artifacts if built in source - not recommended, but anyway




# VS Code (Visual Studio Code) Editor


# /


# /FL


# /cairo/


# /lib/


# /misc/


# /src/


# Wayland build artifacts (generated files)


# Wayland demo programs (no longer being built)

# libdecor/build/demo
# libdecor/build/egl


# This file controls GitLab CI (Continuous Integration) for FLTK.
# It serves two purposes:
# (1) Continuously building FLTK with one or more build systems.
# (2) Generating current HTML documentation and putting it online.
# The HTML documentation will be viewable at:
#   https://fltk.gitlab.io/fltk/
# The PDF documentation will be viewable at:
#   https://fltk.gitlab.io/fltk/fltk.pdf
# Details of this script:
# use the official gcc image, based on debian
# can use versions as well, like gcc:5.2
# see https://hub.docker.com/_/gcc/

image: gcc

  - build
  - deploy

# Build with autoconf/make (including Pango and Cairo)

# Disabled for regular builds after commits to save build time: "only schedules"
# Note: Build time limits on "GitLab Free" effective Oct 2020: 400 minutes per month

  stage: build
    - schedules
  # install the necessary build tools
    - apt update && apt -y install make autoconf man
    - apt -y install freeglut3-dev libfontconfig-dev libxft-dev libglew-dev
    - apt -y install libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libasound2-dev
    - apt -y install libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
    - make clean
    - ./configure --enable-pango --enable-cairo
    - time make -j3
    - cd examples && time make

# Build with CMake and Ninja (with pango, cairo, building examples)

  stage: build
    - master
  # install the necessary build tools
    - date
    - apt update && apt -y install cmake ninja-build
    - apt -y install freeglut3-dev libfontconfig-dev libxft-dev libglew-dev
    - apt -y install libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libasound2-dev
    - apt -y install libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev
    - date
    - gcc --version
    - mkdir build && cd build
    - date
    - time ninja
    - date

# Generate and install HTML documentation

  stage: deploy
    - master
  # run this job (documentation) independent of the build jobs (empty "needs" clause)
  needs: []
  # install the necessary build tools
    - date
    - apt update && apt -y install make autoconf man doxygen doxygen-latex
    - date
    - make clean
    - cd documentation
    - date
    - make && make html
    - date
    - make pdf
    - date
    - cd ..
    - mkdir -p public/
    - mv documentation/html/* public/
    - mv documentation/fltk.pdf public/
    - date
      - public
    expire_in: 8 days

Download details:

Author:  fltk
Source: https://github.com/fltk/fltk

License: View license

#cpluplus #c 

FLTK: The Fast, Lightweight, Cross-Platform C++ GUI Toolkit
1.50 GEEK