Editgrid: Gamera and HUMP Compatible Scaling Grid for LÖVE


What's this?

Editgrid is a module that implements a grid that automatically scales its resolution, like the background grids in 3d modeling software like blender. Its great for level editors and the like because you can zoom in and out without loosing sight of the gridlines. It also converts screen coordinates to grid coordinates and vice versa.

Editgrid is also useful for adding a debugging background to games - just call editgrid.draw(camera) with a gamera or HUMP camera, or just any table.

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How to use

Place editgrid.lua in your project and require it like so:

local editgrid = require "editgrid"


Drawing a grid

editgrid.draw(camera, visuals)

Draws a grid to the screen from the perspective of an optional camera with optional visual effects.

camera can be a HUMP or gamera camera, as well as a table containing the following:

local camera = {
    x = 20,
    y = 20,
    zoom = 2,
    angle = math.pi/2,
    sx = 5,
    sy = 5,
    sw = love.graphics.getWidth() - 10,
    sh = love.graphics.getHeight() - 10
  • (x, y) -- the point the camera is looking at. Default is (0, 0).
  • zoom -- the zoom factor of the camera. Default is 1.
  • angle -- the angle of the camera. Default is 0.
  • (sx, sy, sw, sh) -- the clipping rectangle (scissor rectangle) for the camera. By default, the camera draws to the whole screen (0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()).

All functions in Editgrid that require a camera can use all types of cameras.

visuals should be a table containing the following:

local visuals = {
    size = 100,
    subdivisions = 5,
    color = {128, 140, 250},
    drawScale = false,
    xColor = {255, 255, 0},
    yColor = {0, 255, 255},
    fadeFactor = 0.3,
    textFadeFactor = 0.5,
    hideOrigin = true,
    interval = 200
  • size -- the distance between each major subdivision at 1x zoom. Default is 256.
  • subdivisions -- the number of minor subdivisions between each major subdivision. Default is 4.
  • color -- a list of three numbers representing the rgb values of the grid lines. Default is {220, 220, 220}.
  • drawScale -- boolean indicating if the coordinate value is drawn for each gridline. Default is true.
  • xColor -- color of the x axis. Default is {255, 0, 0} (red).
  • yColor -- color of the y axis. Default is {0, 255, 0} (green).
  • fadeFactor -- color multiplier on subdivision grid lines. For example, if color is {100, 100, 100} and fadeFactor is

0.8, then the color of the minor gridlines will be {80, 80, 80}. Default is 0.5.

  • textFadeFactor -- color multiplier on grid labels. Similar to fadeFactor. Default is 1.0.
  • hideOrigin -- boolean indicating whether or not to hide the origin circle. Default is false.
  • interval -- optional argument that makes the grid use a fixed interval in world space instead of scaling with camera zoom.

All functions in Editgrid that require a visuals table expect this format.

-- draw()
-- stuff()

Editgrid enables drawing with compatible cameras in cross platform way. Surround normal drawing commands with an editgrid.push and a love.graphics.pop to convert screen space to grid space in your drawing. This should have equivalent results to drawing with a compatible camera module.

Querying the grid

local newx, newy = editgrid.convertCoords(camera, visuals, src, dest, x, y)

Converts coordinates from one coordinate system to another. src and dest are the source coordinate system and destination coordinate system respectively, and can each be one of three strings: "screen", "world", and "cell". For example, to convert screen coordinates to world coordinates, say for mouse interaction, let src = "screen" and dest = "world". "cell" coordinates are based on the cells that the camera sees on the screen; also, all "cell" coordinates are integers.

local worldx, worldy = editgrid.toWorld(camera, screenx, screeny)

Converts screen coordinates to world coordinates. Shortcut for editgrid.convertCoords(camera, nil, "screen", "world", screenx, screeny)

local screenx, screeny = editgrid.toScreen(camera, worldx, worldy)

Converts world coordinates to screen coordinates. Shortcut for editgrid.convertCoords(camera, nil, "world", "screen", worldx, worldy)

local vx, vy, vw, vh = editgrid.visible(camera)

Gets an Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) containing the visible part of the grid that can be seen from the camera. May contain some non-visible portions of the grid if the camera angle is not zero.

local interval = editgrid.minorInterval(camera, visuals)

Gets the distance between minor grid lines (in world space) on the screen. To get the distance in screen space, just multiply interval by camera zoom.

local interval = editgrid.majorInterval(camera, visuals)

Similar to editgrid.minorInterval, but returns the distance between major grid lines (the bolder grid lines).

Wrapping it all together

local grid = editgrid.grid(camera, visuals)

grid:draw() -- Equivalent to editgrid.draw(camera, visuals)
grid:push() -- Equivalent to editgrid.push(camera)
local newx, newy = grid:convertCoords(src, dest, x, y) -- Equivalent to editgrid.convertCoords(camera, visuals, src, dest, x, y)
local worldx, worldy = grid:toWorld(x, y) -- Equivalent to editgrid.toWorld(camera, x, y)
local screenx, screeny = grid:toScreen(x, y) -- Equivalent to editgrid.toScreen(camera, x, y)
local vx, vy, vw, vh = grid:visible() -- Equivalent to editgrid.visible(camera)
local minor = grid:minorInterval() -- Equivalent to editgrid.minorInterval(camera, visuals)
local major = grid:majorInterval() -- Equivalent to editgrid.majorInterval(camera, visuals)

Instead of passing a camera and a visuals variable around all the time for Editgrid's functions, Editgrid can create a grid object with methods that can be called with colon syntax. The camera and visuals tables can be updated at any time without any adverse effects.


If there are bugs or you want to request features, feel free to submit issues.

Download Details:

Author: bakpakin
Source Code: https://github.com/bakpakin/Editgrid 
License: MIT license

#lua #grid 

Editgrid: Gamera and HUMP Compatible Scaling Grid for LÖVE
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