How To Add An App Icon And Launch Screen in Xcode

In this xcode tutorial, we'll look at how to add app icon to an iOS project and how to add a launch screen to an iOS project also, in this iOS SwiftUI take-home course.

To make our lives easier when generating app icons for your Xcode project, we'll use a handy tool developed by SwiftUI developer Jordi Brun. Bakery is a powerful Mac app you can download from the Mac App Store. This app allows us to generate dummy SwiftUI app icons and real SwiftUI app icons to use within our Xcode asset catalog by simply dragging and dropping.

We will learn how to add an icon in Xcode to give our SwiftUI app it's own identity on the iPhone home screens so that users can quickly identify your app from your SwiftUI app icon.

Finally we'll then take a look at how to add a launch screen using Xcode's plist, this will allow us to easily define a background colour, launch screen and other configuration for our swiftui app. So let's get straight into this xcode tutorial.

Bakery - Simple Icon Generator (SwiftUI App Icons)

SwiftUI iOS Take Home Test Resources

#swiftui #xcode #app 

Add An App Icon and Launch Screen in Xcode
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