Svelte-simple-datatables: A Datatable Component for Svelte


New version (new repo)

A new, more mature and controllable version is available here :

It has typescript support, headless UI, SSR, and provides a data handler.

It is a complete rewrite involving a few breaking changes but the concept is the same.

This package is still maintained.


Datatable component default behavior :

  • Fits in its container
  • The table has fixed header
  • Scrolls vertically and horizontally
  • Responsive design

👉 Documentation


✅ Install as a dev dependency to avoid a SSR errors.

npm i -D svelte-simple-datatables

Download Details:

Author: Vincjo
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#svelte #datatable #demo 

Svelte-simple-datatables: A Datatable Component for Svelte
4.05 GEEK