IoT: A Go client for Google IoT Core


A simple framework for implementing a Google IoT device.

This package makes use of the context package to handle request cancelation, timeouts, and deadlines.

Here is an example showing how to use this library:

package main

import (
    // Your client must include the paho package
    // to use the default Eclipse Paho MQTT client.
    _ ""

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    id := &iot.ID{
        DeviceID:  "deviceName",
        Registry:  "my-registry",
        Location:  "asia-east1",
        ProjectID: "my-project",

    credentials, err := iot.LoadRSACredentials("rsa_cert.pem", "rsa_private.pem")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Couldn't load credentials")

    options := iot.DefaultOptions(id, credentials)
    options.DebugLogger = log.Println
    options.InfoLogger = log.Println
    options.ErrorLogger = log.Println
    options.ConfigHandler = func(thing iot.Thing, config []byte) {
        // Do something here to process the updated config and create an updated state string
        state := []byte("ok")
        thing.PublishState(ctx, state)

    thing := iot.New(options)

    err = thing.Connect(ctx, "ssl://")
    if err != nil {
        panic("Couldn't connect to server")
    defer thing.Disconnect(ctx)

    // This publishes to /events
    thing.PublishEvent(ctx, []byte("Top level telemetry event"))
    // This publishes to /events/a
    thing.PublishEvent(ctx, []byte("Sub folder telemetry event"), "a")
    // This publishes to /events/a/b
    thing.PublishEvent(ctx, []byte("Sub folder telemetry event"), "a", "b")

Thanks to Infostellar for supporting my development of this project.

Download Details:

Author: Vaelen
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#go #golang #google #iot 

IoT: A Go client for Google IoT Core
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