Pretty QR Code for Flutter.You Can Round The Edges with Parameter Or Use The Standard View

Pretty QR Code 

A highly customizable Flutter widget that make it easy to rendering QR code.


  • Live Preview
  • Built on qr package.
  • Supports embedding images.
  • Support tween animation
  • Support some options for images

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First, follow the package installation instructions and add a PrettyQrView widget to your app:
  data: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
  decoration: const PrettyQrDecoration(
    image: PrettyQrDecorationImage(
      image: AssetImage('images/flutter.png'),

If you want to pass non-string data or want to specify a QR version, consider using the default PrettyQrView constructor:

late QrImage qrImage;

void initState() {

  final qrCode = QrCode(
  )..addData('lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');

  qrImage = QrImage(qrCode)

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return PrettyQrView(
    qrImage: qrImage,
    decoration: const PrettyQrDecoration(),

Note: Do not create QrImage inside build method, or you may otherwise have undesired jank in UI thread.

See the example folder for more code samples of the various possibilities.


Contributions are welcomed!

Here is a curated list of how you can help:

  • Fix typos/grammar mistakes
  • Report parts of the documentation that are unclear
  • Report bugs and scenarios that are difficult to implement


  • Quiet Zone
  • Gradient filling
  • Export as image
  • Error handling API
  • Gaps between modules
  • Background color for QR code
  • Timing Patterns and Alignment Patterns
  • Automatic image scale limitation (embedded mode)

Use this package as a library

Depend on it

Run this command:

With Flutter:

 $ flutter pub add pretty_qr_code

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  pretty_qr_code: ^3.0.0

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:pretty_qr_code/pretty_qr_code.dart';


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:pretty_qr_code/pretty_qr_code.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const PrettyQrExampleApp());

class PrettyQrExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const PrettyQrExampleApp({

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      theme: ThemeData(
        useMaterial3: true,
        colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(
      home: const PrettyQrHomePage(),

class PrettyQrHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const PrettyQrHomePage({

  State<PrettyQrHomePage> createState() => _PrettyQrHomePageState();

class _PrettyQrHomePageState extends State<PrettyQrHomePage> {
  late QrCode qrCode;

  late QrImage qrImage;

  late PrettyQrDecoration decoration;

  void initState() {

    qrCode = QrCode.fromData(
      data: '',
      errorCorrectLevel: QrErrorCorrectLevel.H,

    qrImage = QrImage(qrCode);

    decoration = const PrettyQrDecoration(
      shape: PrettyQrSmoothSymbol(
        color: Color(0xFF74565F),
      image: _PrettyQrSettings.kDefaultPrettyQrDecorationImage,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        centerTitle: true,
        title: const Text('Pretty QR Code'),
      body: Align(
        alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
        child: ConstrainedBox(
          constraints: const BoxConstraints(
            maxWidth: 1024,
          child: LayoutBuilder(
            builder: (context, constraints) {
              final safePadding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;
              return Row(
                crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                children: [
                  if (constraints.maxWidth >= 720)
                      flex: 3,
                      child: Padding(
                        padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                          left: safePadding.left + 24,
                          right: safePadding.right + 24,
                          bottom: 24,
                        child: _PrettyQrAnimatedView(
                          qrImage: qrImage,
                          decoration: decoration,
                    flex: 2,
                    child: Column(
                      children: [
                        if (constraints.maxWidth < 720)
                            padding: safePadding.copyWith(
                              top: 0,
                              bottom: 0,
                            child: _PrettyQrAnimatedView(
                              qrImage: qrImage,
                              decoration: decoration,
                          child: SingleChildScrollView(
                            padding: safePadding.copyWith(top: 0),
                            child: _PrettyQrSettings(
                              decoration: decoration,
                              onChanged: (value) => setState(() {
                                decoration = value;

class _PrettyQrAnimatedView extends StatefulWidget {
  final QrImage qrImage;

  final PrettyQrDecoration decoration;

  const _PrettyQrAnimatedView({
    required this.qrImage,
    required this.decoration,

  State<_PrettyQrAnimatedView> createState() => _PrettyQrAnimatedViewState();

class _PrettyQrAnimatedViewState extends State<_PrettyQrAnimatedView> {
  late PrettyQrDecoration previosDecoration;

  void initState() {

    previosDecoration = widget.decoration;

  void didUpdateWidget(
    covariant _PrettyQrAnimatedView oldWidget,
  ) {

    if (widget.decoration != oldWidget.decoration) {
      previosDecoration = oldWidget.decoration;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
      child: TweenAnimationBuilder<PrettyQrDecoration>(
        tween: PrettyQrDecorationTween(
          begin: previosDecoration,
          end: widget.decoration,
        curve: Curves.ease,
        duration: const Duration(
          milliseconds: 240,
        builder: (context, decoration, child) {
          return PrettyQrView(
            qrImage: widget.qrImage,
            decoration: decoration,

class _PrettyQrSettings extends StatefulWidget {
  final PrettyQrDecoration decoration;

  final ValueChanged<PrettyQrDecoration>? onChanged;

  static const kDefaultPrettyQrDecorationImage = PrettyQrDecorationImage(
    image: AssetImage('images/flutter.png'),
    position: PrettyQrDecorationImagePosition.embedded,

  const _PrettyQrSettings({
    required this.decoration,

  State<_PrettyQrSettings> createState() => _PrettyQrSettingsState();

class _PrettyQrSettingsState extends State<_PrettyQrSettings> {
  Color get shapeColor {
    var shape = widget.decoration.shape;
    if (shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol) return shape.color;
    if (shape is PrettyQrRoundedSymbol) return shape.color;

  bool get isRoundedBorders {
    var shape = widget.decoration.shape;
    if (shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol) {
      return shape.roundFactor > 0;
    } else if (shape is PrettyQrRoundedSymbol) {
      return shape.borderRadius !=;
    return false;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
          builder: (context, constraints) {
            return PopupMenuButton(
              onSelected: changeShape,
              constraints: BoxConstraints(
                minWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
              initialValue: widget.decoration.shape.runtimeType,
              itemBuilder: (context) {
                return [
                  const PopupMenuItem(
                    value: PrettyQrSmoothSymbol,
                    child: Text('Smooth'),
                  const PopupMenuItem(
                    value: PrettyQrRoundedSymbol,
                    child: Text('Rounded rectangle'),
              child: ListTile(
                leading: const Icon(Icons.format_paint_outlined),
                title: const Text('Style'),
                trailing: Text(
                  widget.decoration.shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol ? 'Smooth' : 'Rounded rectangle',
                  style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall,
          value: shapeColor !=,
          onChanged: (value) => toggleColor(),
          secondary: const Icon(Icons.color_lens_outlined),
          title: const Text('Colored'),
          value: isRoundedBorders,
          onChanged: (value) => toggleRoundedCorners(),
          secondary: const Icon(Icons.rounded_corner),
          title: const Text('Rounded corners'),
        const Divider(),
          value: widget.decoration.image != null,
          onChanged: (value) => toggleImage(),
          secondary: Icon(
            widget.decoration.image != null ? Icons.image_outlined : Icons.hide_image_outlined,
          title: const Text('Image'),
        if (widget.decoration.image != null)
            enabled: widget.decoration.image != null,
            leading: const Icon(Icons.layers_outlined),
            title: const Text('Image position'),
            trailing: PopupMenuButton(
              onSelected: changeImagePosition,
              initialValue: widget.decoration.image?.position,
              itemBuilder: (context) {
                return [
                  const PopupMenuItem(
                    value: PrettyQrDecorationImagePosition.embedded,
                    child: Text('Embedded'),
                  const PopupMenuItem(
                    value: PrettyQrDecorationImagePosition.foreground,
                    child: Text('Foreground'),
                  const PopupMenuItem(
                    value: PrettyQrDecorationImagePosition.background,
                    child: Text('Background'),

  void changeShape(
    final Type type,
  ) {
    var shape = widget.decoration.shape;
    if (shape.runtimeType == type) return;

    if (shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrRoundedSymbol(color: shapeColor);
    } else if (shape is PrettyQrRoundedSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrSmoothSymbol(color: shapeColor);

    widget.onChanged?.call(widget.decoration.copyWith(shape: shape));

  void toggleColor() {
    var shape = widget.decoration.shape;
    var color = shapeColor != ? : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary;

    if (shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrSmoothSymbol(
        color: color,
        roundFactor: shape.roundFactor,
    } else if (shape is PrettyQrRoundedSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrRoundedSymbol(
        color: color,
        borderRadius: shape.borderRadius,

    widget.onChanged?.call(widget.decoration.copyWith(shape: shape));

  void toggleRoundedCorners() {
    var shape = widget.decoration.shape;

    if (shape is PrettyQrSmoothSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrSmoothSymbol(
        color: shape.color,
        roundFactor: isRoundedBorders ? 0 : 1,
    } else if (shape is PrettyQrRoundedSymbol) {
      shape = PrettyQrRoundedSymbol(
        color: shape.color,
            isRoundedBorders ? : const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10)),

    widget.onChanged?.call(widget.decoration.copyWith(shape: shape));

  void toggleImage() {
    const defaultImage = _PrettyQrSettings.kDefaultPrettyQrDecorationImage;
    final image = widget.decoration.image != null ? null : defaultImage;

    widget.onChanged?.call(PrettyQrDecoration(image: image, shape: widget.decoration.shape));

  void changeImagePosition(
    final PrettyQrDecorationImagePosition value,
  ) {
    final image = widget.decoration.image?.copyWith(position: value);
    widget.onChanged?.call(widget.decoration.copyWith(image: image));

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Author: promops


#flutter #android #ios

Pretty QR Code for Flutter.You Can Round The Edges with Parameter Or Use The Standard View
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