Every developer has their own way of dealing with the beast that is WordPress whilst trying to follow good development practices. It's always best to avoid 'Cowboy Coding'; aka hacking code on the live server. With the ability to edit theme & plugin files through the admin area, WordPress makes this bad practice far too easy. Then you have auto-updates and content editors installing 3rd party themes and plugins. This quickly leads to development versions becoming out of sync with the live website and therefore problems are likely when it's time to deploy your latest changes.

The solution is keeping the project under version control with GIT. However, keeping your WordPress site in GIT can be tricky; there are lots of different ways of handling it - should you commit the WordPress core? What happens when a new version is released? What about 3rd party plugins? You need a sensible process to follow.

Read on to discover my process for setting up a new WordPress website project in version control using GIT (I assume you comfortable with GIT & and using the command line).


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Working with WordPress & GIT
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