What is G999main (G999) | What is G999main coin | What is G999 coin

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the project G999main and G999 coin

G999 is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that aims to become sound global money with fast payments, micro fees, a new generation of communication, and high transaction capacity.

In the same way as physical money, G999 payments are sent directly from one person to another. Wallet to wallet.

G999 combines gold-like scarcity with the spendable nature of cash. As a permissionless, decentralized cryptocurrency, G999 requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. Unlike traditional fiat money, G999 does not depend on monetary middlemen such as banks and payment processors.

How Does  G999 Work?

G999 blockchain is a technology that can allow individuals and companies to make instantaneous transactions on a network without any middlemen. Transactions made on the G999 blockchain are completely secure and fast.

Is G999 Blockchain Communication Secure?

By its decentralized nature and cryptographic algorithm, G999 is immune to attack. In fact, hacking a blockchain is close to impossible. In a world where cybersecurity has become a key issue for personal, corporate, and national security, Blockchain is one revolutionary technology, therefore we developed an encrypted communication system over G999 blockchain.

Each transaction is signed with a private key and then can be further verified with a public key. If transaction data changes, the signature becomes invalid. As a result, the block is ignored and won’t make it to the chain, therefore no one can intercept our voice messages, text messages or e-mails.

Blockchain’s greatest characteristic stems from the fact that its transactions are able to carry encrypted hex strings, making possible the encrypted communication services over the blockchain.

G999 Voice Chat & E-mail Over Blockchain

Putting voice, chat and email on a decentralized blockchain is a very big achievement, it means that no single party would have control over users’ accounts and their messages. The blockchain voice, chat and email would let you keep your messages free from prying eyes.

The existing encrypted telecommunication services, but they are vulnerable to hacks due to its centralized nature. G999 uses asymmetric encryption, meaning only the receiver and sender can read the message with the private key, providing transcendent security and privacy.

G999 integrates with browsers and major mobile operating systems, to allow easy access to mass adoption in the private, secure and encrypted telecommunications.

Get Started With  G999 Blockchain

You have 999 reasons to believe in the new era of blockchain, there is no better, safer way to transfer information and benefit from both a historical trail of 100% encrypted data, plus an instantly up-to-date record.

The Decentralised Ecosystem

The blockchain network is the underlying infrastructure that supports communication services operated in a decentralized ecosystem. G999 uses the PoS algorithm, which provides faster transactions and less energy consumption.

Communicate With Absolute Freedom

G999 creates privacy tools that enable untraceable, secure transactions, and anonymous communication. Using the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, we create new private and secure methods of interacting with the internet, as well as building privacy-centric applications, such as messaging services and wallet to wallet e-mail services.

Instant Transactions

G999 revolutionary fast payment solution for making secure, privacy-first transactions without compromising on speed. Using the power of the G999 Service Node network, our blockchain lets you send and receive G999 in less than 60 seconds.

Master Nodes Infrastructure

Much of networking functionality and scalability is enabled by a set of incentivized nodes called Master Nodes. To operate a Master Node, an operator time-locks for 12 months a significant amount of G999 and provides a minimum level of bandwidth and storage to the network. In return for their services, operators receive a portion of the block reward from each block.

G999 Staking Wallet

The wallets are a gateway to private decentralized transactions and communications. They allow you to hold private keys, secure or stake G999, and trade peer-to-peer. To operate a Stacking Node, an operator must deposit a slight amount of G999 and provides a minimum level of bandwidth and storage to the network. In return for their services, operators receive a portion of the block reward from each block.

How to set up G999 Masternode

Reduced Environmental Impact

Proof of Work, by its nature, requires miners to compete against each other to solve computationally complex mathematical problems. Many people are concerned about the environmental impact of mining, as it uses a massive amount of electricity. Proof of Stake, as implemented in G999, does not require these energy-intensive calculations: instead, it relies on the cooperation of G999 Master Nodes — which uses comparatively small amounts of electricity.

G999 Blockchain Wallets

The G999 wallets are a gateway into private decentralized transactions and communications. They allow you to hold private keys, secure or stake G999, and trade peer-to-peer.

How Masternodes Work

Much like proof of stake, masternodes rely on staking a certain amount of a given currency within the currency’s network.

How to set up your Wallet for Staking G999

G999 Passive Income

Masternodes are powerful servers backed by collateral held in G999 and are designed to provide advanced services and governance on the blockchain. They host full copies of the blockchain and provide a unique second layer of services to the network, facilitating advanced functions such as InstantSend, PrivateSend, and usernames on the blockchain.

Masternodes must be backed-up by collateral denominated in G999, and in return, their operators receive regular payment for the services they provide to the network. The reward is calculated for every 12 months of collateral but is it paid directly after each block. The total reward for one masternode 7.5% of the deposited collateral per year.

G999 Blockchain Explorer

G999 Block Explorer is an online blockchain browser that displays the contents of individual blocks and transactions and the transaction histories and balances of addresses. From our explorer, you can follow up on all the live interactions with the blockchain, including the running number of masternodes, like, for example, to follow up on how many masternodes are available from a total number of 4000.

Our block explorer is a search engine that allows you to search for a particular piece of information on the blockchain. The activities carried out on the G999 blockchain are known as transactions, which occur when cryptocurrencies and encrypted communication messages are sent to and from wallet addresses.

Deflationary  Coin Model

We burn more coins than we issue every 60 seconds

We follow a deflationary coin model, as the community may expect, the G999 coins are removed from the market over time through the usage of the network and the ecosystem services.

Coins will be removed from the market by increasing the coin usage both in coin transfers and various services such as the academy, e-mail over blockchain, encrypted chat over the blockchain as all the generated fees are directly burned. A G999 block is validated every 60 seconds with a less than 570 G999 coins as a reward for stakers and masternode owners.

Having an overview of our open-source blockchain transparent fees, we can find out that for every 999 bytes, the users, which are using the e-mail and chat services over blockchain, will be charged 15 coins. If we translate this into a clean deflationary coin model, we have less than 40 messages like chat, e-mail, voice needed in the network to cover the generated new coins.

While there may be a disagreement that decreasing the supply will decrease the actual availability of the coin, this is fortunately not the case with G999 taking into consideration the generated fees from all the coin transfers, crypto card transactions, academy, .etc, is obvious the deflationary coin model.

In conclusion, in the G999 network, we reward every block a smaller number of coins compared to the ones we aim to burn in all the ecosystem for our products and services.

How to set up your Wallet for Staking G999

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How and Where to Buy G999?

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange which was started in China but then moved their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular for its crypto to crypto exchange services. Binance exploded onto the scene in the mania of 2017 and has since gone on to become the top crypto exchange in the world.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step - Transfer your cryptos to an Altcoin Exchange

Since G999 is an altcoin we need to transfer our coins to an exchange that G999 can be traded. Below is a list of exchanges that offers to trade G999 in various market pairs, head to their websites and register for an account.

Once finished you will then need to make a BTC/ETH/USDT deposit to the exchange from Binance depending on the available market pairs. After the deposit is confirmed you may then purchase G999 from the exchange: BitForex, HitBTC, BW.com, Bibox, and Coinsuper

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once G999 gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money


Find more information G999

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🔺DISCLAIMER: Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure that you understand these risks if you are a beginner. The Information in the post is my OPINION and not financial advice. You are responsible for what you do with your funds

Learn about Cryptocurrency in this article ☞ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner

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Wallet address:

BTC : 1FnYrvnEmov2w9fovbDQ4vX8U2dhrEc29c
USDT : 0xfee027e0acfa386809eca0276dab286900d75ad7

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What is G999main (G999) | What is G999main coin | What is G999 coin
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