JavaScript for Artificial Neurons is a JavaScript module for creating and managing artificial neurons, neural networks, and layers. It allows you to create neurons with custom weights, biases, and activation functions, add them to layers, and organize those layers into neural networks.


To install, use the following command:

npm install


To use in your project, you first need to require the module:

const neurons = require('');

Interactive CLI

We've also included an interactive CLI to help you get started quickly and navigate through the different modules. To use the CLI, simply install the package and run the command:

npx .me shell

The interactive shell will provide you with a menu to access different functionalities and create, edit, and manage your neural networks seamlessly. You can create neurons, add them to layers, and build complex neural networks, all within the CLI environment.

For more information about the CLI commands and available options, please refer to the CLI documentation at


  • The library provides classes for creating neurons, layers, and neural networks in Node.js.
  • Neurons are created using the createNeuron function provided by the library. You can create neurons with different options such as custom weights, bias, activation function, or even load pre-defined modules.
  • Layers are created using the Layer class. A layer holds a collection of neurons.
  • Neural networks are created using the NeuralNetwork class. A neural network consists of one or more layers.


Import the library:

let neurons = require('');

Create neurons using new neurons.createNeuron(). You can pass options such as load (for pre-defined modules) or options (for custom options).

Create a layer using

A layer can hold multiple neurons.

new neurons.Layer(). 

Add neurons to the layer using the addNeuron method of the layer.

Create a neural network using

new neurons.NeuralNetwork().

Add layers to the neural network using the addLayer method of the neural network.

Key Points:

  • Neurons are created individually using new neurons.createNeuron() and can have different options or configurations.
  • Layers are created using new neurons.Layer(), and each layer can hold multiple neurons.
  • Neural networks are created using new neurons.NeuralNetwork(), and you can add layers to the neural network using the addLayer method.
  • When adding layers to a neural network, they are added in the order they are created. The order of the layers in the neural network matters, as it determines the flow of information through the network during forward and backward propagation.

Key Takeaways:

  • The library provides a modular approach to building neural networks, allowing you to create and configure neurons, layers, and neural networks separately.
  • By organizing neurons into layers and adding layers to a neural network, you can create complex network architectures.
  • Keep in mind the order of layers in a neural network, as it affects the flow of information and the network's behavior during training and prediction.

Here are some code examples demonstrating the usage of adding layers to neural networks and neurons to layers using the library:

Adding Layers to a Neural Network:

javascriptCopy code
const neurons = require('');

// Create a neural network
const network = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();

// Create layers
const layer1 = new neurons.Layer();
const layer2 = new neurons.Layer();
const layer3 = new neurons.Layer();

// Add layers to the neural network

Adding Neurons to a Layer:

javascriptCopy code
const neurons = require('');

// Create a layer
const layer = new neurons.Layer();

// Create neurons
const neuron1 = new neurons.Neuron();
const neuron2 = new neurons.Neuron();
const neuron3 = new neurons.Neuron();

// Add neurons to the layer

Iterating Over Layers of a Neural Network:

javascriptCopy code
const neurons = require('');

// Create a neural network
const network = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();

// Create layers
const layer1 = new neurons.Layer();
const layer2 = new neurons.Layer();
const layer3 = new neurons.Layer();

// Add layers to the neural network

// Iterate over layers
network.getLayers().forEach((layer, index) => {
  console.log(`Layer ${index + 1}:`);

Iterating Over Neurons of a Layer:

javascriptCopy code
const neurons = require('');

// Create a layer
const layer = new neurons.Layer();

// Create neurons
const neuron1 = new neurons.Neuron();
const neuron2 = new neurons.Neuron();
const neuron3 = new neurons.Neuron();

// Add neurons to the layer

// Iterate over neurons
layer.getNeurons().forEach((neuron, id) => {
  console.log(`Neuron ${id}:`);

These examples demonstrate how to add layers to a neural network and neurons to a layer using the library. You can customize the number of layers and neurons according to your specific requirements. Additionally, you can perform iterations and modifications on the layers and neurons to achieve the desired network architecture and behavior.


Once a module is loaded into a neuron, all of the module's properties and methods are available to that neuron, and can be accessed using the getModule method:

const defactoModule = neuron3.getModule('defacto');

In this example, the getModule method is used to access the defacto module that was loaded into neuron3.

Modules provide a powerful way to extend the functionality of your neurons and tailor them to the specific needs of your project. You can create modules to handle specific tasks, encapsulate complex behaviors, or provide additional data and capabilities to your neurons.

Overall, the library offers a convenient way to create and organize neurons, layers, and neural networks in Node.js, enabling you to build and experiment with different network architectures for various machine learning tasks.

Feedback and Contact

We're always interested in hearing about your experiences with our package. If you have any suggestions for improvements, or if you've created something cool with our package, we'd love to hear from you!

You can get in touch with us in the following ways:

Email: Instagram: @jabella.e We're also interested in understanding how our package is being used. If you're willing to share, please take a moment to reach over.

Please note that your privacy is very important to us. Any information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used solely to help us improve our package.

Happy Coding! offers a flexible and intuitive way to create and manage artificial neurons, layers, and neural networks. We hope you find it useful in your machine learning and artificial intelligence projects. Happy coding!

Download Details:

Author: suiGn
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

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