Kui.nvim: A Neovim UI Framework with Kitty Graphics Protocol


This project is a neovim UI framework, aiming to use the Kitty graphics protocol to build complex graphical interfaces. This depends on the user having a terminal with support for the kitty graphics protocol as well as libcairo installed.

See kirby.nvim for a more complex example.


See https://github.com/romgrk/kui-demo.nvim for a template showing how to implement the demo above.


These plugins are based on kui:

Status & features

Status: experimental, good enough for small use cases


  •  Container system (transpiled from Pixi.JS via TypescriptToLua)
  •  Images (I don't remember if I implemented it, TBC)
  •  Masks
  •  Graphics (lines, rects, ovals, paths)
  •  Basic text (size, family, weight, color)
  •  Advanced text (highlighted text (think code syntax), proper layout & rendering)
  •  Medium-performance rendering (think 30FPS animations, medium surface)
  •  High-performance rendering (think 60FPS animations, large surface)

Includes code from:

Download Details:

Author: romgrk
Source Code: https://github.com/romgrk/kui.nvim 
License: MIT license

#neovim #framework #ui 

Kui.nvim: A Neovim UI Framework with Kitty Graphics Protocol
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