When we talk about the world’s leading programming languages, their are some programming language to learn which are and will be in demand in the future. SQL and Python are well-placed on the top of the list. As a beginner, it can be daunting to make sense of the pros and cons on your own. So, in this article, we have addressed the SQL vs. Python debate to guide you better. 

About two decades ago, software engineers had limited options when it came to programming languages. Structured Query Language or SQL was the most sought-after language for quick data insights, fetching records, and drawing conclusions. Then, data existed predominantly in relational databases, and SQL proved to be an excellent resource while writing reports and applications. 

Today, data comes in many shapes and forms, such as plain text, CSV files, on the web, and many other formats. This is where Python comes into the picture, boasting of its vast set of libraries and associated platforms. Over the years, it has emerged as a widely preferred programming language for fast and iterative data exploration. Moreover, its diverse toolkit allows developers to conduct visualization and statistical analysis and further identify patterns in the available data. 

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SQL vs. Python: What Are the Differences?
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