What is Evolution (GEN) | What is Evolution token | What is GEN token

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the Evolution project and GEN token

Evolution project is the first to introduce elastic emission of token per block making the next step in the yield farming industry. It adds powerful layer to tokenomics and strengthens sustainability of the farm. Emission is tied up to the price of the token — it speeds up when the price goes up and slows down when it drops. Such correlation will significantly improve stability of the farm.

Evolution is coming to yield farming — please welcome eponymous project with features that will take your farming to the next level.

Until now modern approach of well known yield farms stood on entry fees, buys back, burns, lotteries and other mechanisms to improve tokenomics viability. Yet is seems to be not enough for most of the farms to remain sustainable.

NFTs market

NFT market received couple of commonly asked for features:

  • filtering
  • sorting

Evolution — Tokenomics

Total Supply: 319,946

Evolution selects best traits and mixes it together with new mutations and so does **Evolution **when it comes to tokenomics.

To significantly slow down if not reverse natural course of token price movement Evolution introduces elastic coin per block emission and sets new standard in the industry. This mechanism by itself has enough power to guard equilibrium.

Apart from that other forces will also aim to sustain the balance.

**Fees from farms (4%) **will be usedfor

  • buyback 80%
  • project promotion and development 20%

**Opening loot boxes, trading NFTs and Evolution **will burn GEN token

Funds from pre-sale will form initial liquidity pool and driving force for project promotion and development (50/50)

Combining proven approach with evolutionary elastic emission mechanics and packed road map Evolution team aims to become yield farm platform

How and Where to Buy Evolution (GEN)?

GEN token is now live on the Binance mainnet. The token address for GEN is 0xB0F2939A1c0e43683E5954c9Fe142F7df9F8D967. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you.

Just be sure you have enough BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction fees.

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step

You need a wallet address to Connect to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet

If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps

What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use

Transfer $WBNB to your new Metamask wallet from your existing wallet

Next step

Connect Metamask Wallet to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy, Swap GEN token

Contract: 0xB0F2939A1c0e43683E5954c9Fe142F7df9F8D967

Read more: What is Pancakeswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Pancakeswap

There are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once GEN gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money

 ☞ https://www.bittrex.com
  ☞ https://www.poloniex.com
  ☞ https://www.bitfinex.com
  ☞ https://www.huobi.com

Find more information GEN

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🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.

🔥 If you’re a beginner. I believe the article below will be useful to you

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

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What is Evolution (GEN) | What is Evolution token | What is GEN token
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