Yue: The Library for Creating Native Cross-Platform GUI Apps in C++


A library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps.


Feel free to ask any kind of questions in the issues page, but please use English since other users may find your questions valuable.


The Yue project is licensed under LGPL v2.1 with following exception:

  • If you did not modify Yue's source code, you have the permission to statically link Yue with your project, regardless of the license of your project.

The source code of Yue can also be distributed under other proprietary software friendly licenses if you make a commercial contract with the owners of the Yue project.

Contributor license agreement

By sending a pull request, you hereby grant to owners and users of Yue project a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute your contributions and such derivative works.

The owners of the Yue project will also be granted the right to relicense the contributed source code and its derivative works.

The files under docs/, scripts/ and sample_app/ are published under public domain, and contributions to those works will also be licensed so.


build/* linguist-vendored
tools/* linguist-vendored
testing/* linguist-vendored
third_party/* linguist-vendored




[submodule "base"]
	path = base
	url = https://github.com/yue/base
[submodule "third_party/yoga"]
	path = third_party/yoga
	url = https://github.com/yue/yoga
[submodule "third_party/abseil-cpp"]
	path = third_party/abseil-cpp
	url = https://github.com/yue/abseil-cpp
[submodule "third_party/lua-compat-5.3"]
	path = third_party/lua-compat-5.3
	url = https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3
[submodule "third_party/kizunapi"]
	path = third_party/kizunapi
	url = https://github.com/zcbenz/kizunapi

Download details:

Author: yue
Source: https://github.com/yue/yue

License: LGPL-2.1, BSD-3-Clause licenses found

#cpluplus #c 

Yue: The Library for Creating Native Cross-Platform GUI Apps in C++
1.65 GEEK