What Is Arbitrum?

Arbitrum is a layer 2 solution designed to improve the capabilities of Ethereum smart contracts — boosting their speed and scalability, while adding in additional privacy features to boot.

The platform is designed to allow developers to easily run unmodified EVM contracts and Ethereum transactions on a second layer, while still benefiting from Ethereum's excellent layer 1 security.

It’s built to address some of the shortcomings of current Ethereum-based smart contracts — such as poor efficiency and high execution costs — which have damaged the Ethereum user experience and frequently make transacting an expensive task.

Arbitrum uses a technique known as transaction rollups to record batches of submitted transactions on the Ethereum main chain, and execute them on a cheap, scalable layer 2 sidechain while leveraging Ethereum to ensure correct results. This process helps to offload most of the computational and storage burden Ethereum currently suffers from, while enabling new classes of powerful layer 2-based DApps.

via https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-is-arbitrum

What is Polygon? 

Polygon combines the best of Ethereum and sovereign blockchains into a full-fledged multi-chain system.

Polygon solves pain points associated with Blockchains, like high gas fees and slow speeds, without sacrificing on security. This multi-chain system is akin to other ones such as Polkadot, Cosmos, Avalanche etc, but with at least three major upsides:

  • It is able to fully benefit from Ethereum’s network effects
  • It is inherently more secure
  • It is more open and powerful

What is Optimistic?

Optimistic Ethereum (OE) is a Layer 2 scaling protocol for Ethereum applications. I.e., it makes transactions cheap. Real cheap. We aim to make transacting on Ethereum affordable and accessible to anyone.

This document is intended for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of how the protocol works 'under the hood'. If you just want to skip straight to integrating your smart contract application with OE, check out the Developer Docs.

Optimistic Ethereum is meant to look, feel and behave like Ethereum but cheaper and faster. For developers building on our OE, we aim to make the transition as seamless as possible. With very few exceptions, existing Solidity smart contracts can run on L2 exactly how they run on L1. Similarly, off-chain code (ie. UIs and wallets), should be able to interact with L2 contract with little more than an updated RPC endpoint

#ethereum #Optimistic #Polygon #Arbitrum #EVM #smartcontract 

Polygon vs Optimism vs Arbitrum Compare: Which is the best?
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