What is Locklet (LKT) | What is Locklet token | What is LKT token

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the Locklet project and LKT token

Locklet is the world’s first decentralized vesting platform. It allows any crypto-currency holder to create more or less complex vesting clauses according to their need and have them executed over the desired duration and this is accomplished in a completely decentralized way. Thanks to our platform, serious projects can now cryptographically differentiate themselves from scammy ones.

Any holder of any token, can now ask the project team to lock their share of tokens in order to prove to the community that they are not there to rug pull. A project team can go even further in its transparency process by creating vesting clauses for their private investors. In this way, in addition to being safe from a team rug pull, the community and project are also protected against possible whale exits.

“We are early enthusiasts, we make the crypto-world more transparent, more accessible and more secure.”

Use cases

Locklet is aimed at different types of users: entrepreneurs, teams, hedge funds, business angels, project communities and developers.Each of them, thanks to our dApp, can create the vesting clauses that suit them.

Here are some examples of what our solution can bring to these different populations:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Secure private sales over several months and ensure that big investors don’t put any increased risk to the project, but create a stronger foundation.
  • Teams
  • Lock their tokens in order to prove their commitment to their community.
  • Hedge funds & Business Angels
  • Suggest partner projects to use a simple, secure and inexpensive solution that benefits both parties by empowering them with trustless assurance and total transparency.
  • Project Communities
  • Ask major project stakeholders for one or more Locklet’s locking certificates, guaranteeing the seriousness of the project.
  • Developers
  • Use Locklet contracts from an external dApp to securely and easily lock any kind of funds at low cost.

This non exhaustive list gives you a good overview of how Locklet helps to improve the DeFi and Crypto world.

Locklet Token

Our decentralized vesting platform uses its own multi-chain token called LKT as currency. When a Locklet user wishes to use a service, he must pay the fees related to the use of this service in $LKT.

At transaction time, 45% of the total fee amount is burned, 45% is redistributed to the stakers and 10% is acquired by the Locklet foundation.

What is the utility of the LKT token?

  • Create or revoke a vesting and pay the associated fees in $LKT.
  • Stake your $LKT to earn part of the platform’s collected fees (more LKT without supply inflation).
  • Hold a natively deflationary asset.
  • Actively contribute to Locket’s future through governance. For example, vote to decide platform next features such as new chain implementations.


LKT’s economic ecosystem.

The total number of existing LKT is 150 million (150,000,000 LKT), more than half of this amount will be offered for sale in different auctions. A private sale where 10 million (10,500,000 LKT) will be available and a public sale where 50 million (50,000,000 LKT) will be offered.


Total Supply: 150,000,000 LKT

Initial Market Cap: 1,440,000 $

Private Sale Price: $ 0.0082 / LKT

Public Sale Price: $ 0.0096 / LKT

Initial Listing Price: $ 0.0128 / LKT

At the end of the public sale, 50% of the raised funds and 25 million of LKT (25,000,000 LKT) will be locked in our Uniswap and PancakeSwap pools for six months to bootstrap liquidity.


All tokens will be distributed and used as shown in this chart:

How and Where to Buy LKT token?

LKT has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin, ETH, USDT, BNB from any large exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy LKT token.

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange which was started in China but then moved their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular for its crypto to crypto exchange services. Binance exploded onto the scene in the mania of 2017 and has since gone on to become the top crypto exchange in the world.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step - Transfer your cryptos to an Altcoin Exchange

Once finished you will then need to make a BTC/ETH/USDT/BNB deposit to the exchange from Binance depending on the available market pairs. After the deposit is confirmed you may then purchase LKT from the exchange.

The top exchange for trading in LKT token is currently Unicrypt

Find more information LKT

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🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.

🔥 If you’re a beginner. I believe the article below will be useful to you ☞ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner

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What is Locklet (LKT) | What is Locklet token | What is LKT token
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