Macros: Quick Executioner Automation

Quick Executioner is a software in which you can input mouse-keyboard instructions and it can execute these instructions very quickly or at whichever speed you prefer. It can also loop these instructions, this can be very helpful in gaming, testing spam blocking systems, etc.

  • Requirements:

You will need to download a Java Development Kit. You can download one from

  • How To Start:

If you are having trouble launching the Quick Executioner.jar, right click on it and open with Java(TM) Platform SE binary.

Once launched, click on Create A Set.

You will see the display box as well as some buttons on the right side.

  • Buttons:

Add Step: To add a single instruction (without actually executing it), click on Add Step button, a slight white tint will appear across your screen. This is the recorder window so don't worry. Now record the instruction by "performing" it. For example, you can click at a certain location and it will record that click without actually executing it; you will see on the record displayer "Move Mouse To - (the location where you clicked it)" and then Click Mouse - Button(the one you pressed).

Execute: If you click the Execute button you will see these instructions run (Note: you can also press P to execute).

Add Delay: Adds a delay as the next instruction, meaning that after executing the previous instructions, it will wait (sleep) for the specified amount of time then continue to the next instructions.

Add Repeater: Adds a repeat instruction, meaning all the instructions above the repeat instruction will be repeated / executed again for the amount of times specified.

NOTE: Read Record Displayer / Instructions section to find out how to specify the values for repeater and delays.

Hold-Release Toggle: If you want to do complex instructions such as ctrl + v, or a combination of many keys, you will have to use Hold-Release Toggle. When it is activated, the first time you press you desired key/mouse button it will record it in the hold mode, meaning that key will be held for the next instructions until released. The second time you press the same key/mouse button (of course still in Hold-Release Mode), it will release it.

Non-Stop Mode: In this mode, you can continuously record instructions (without executing them). If you want to stop recording, press the ~ key.

Simultaneous Mode: In this mode, you can continuously record instructions BUT while simultaneously executing them. If you want to stop recording, press the ~ key.

Warning: In Simultaneous Mode, once an input is recorded, it will take about ~300 milliseconds to record it, unlike Non-Stop Mode.

NOTE: While in Non-Stop Mode or Simultaneous Mode, you can toggle Hold-Release Mode without stopping the recording by pressing the \ or | key. You can also add a delay while in those modes by pressesing the INSERT (INS) Key on your keyborad.

  • Record Displayer / Instructions:

Specify custom amount for Delay and Repeater: Click on the number or anywhere near the text of the Repeater and Delay instruction and you will be able to modify the values using your keyboard. When done, you can press enter or click anywhere outside the record displayer to stop the "Input Mode" in order to avoid any mis-inputs.

To move/reorder an instruction: You can use the arrows on the left of the instructions to change the location/reorder it.

To Delete: Click near the text of the instruction you want to delete, and then press the DEL (Delete) Key on your keyboard. This cannot be undone.

  • Other:

To close the app, just click on the "X" on the top right of the frame.

To resize: You can drag your mouse from the right/bottom/bottom-right edge of the frame and move your mouse slowly.

You can also add a delay without stopping the recording by pressesing the INSERT (INS) Key on your keyborad.

You can delete all instructions by pressing the END key on your keyboard.

When you execute or start a recording of an instruction, a white boundary will appear aroung the frame. This signifies that the app is either recording or executing the instructions.

  • Warning:

Once the application starts executing, it cannot be stopped. Be careful with the timings and instructions!

Download Details:

Author: SaurSum8

Official Github: 

License: MIT

#Software Engineering  #software #engine #engineering 

Macros: Quick Executioner Automation
1.30 GEEK