Plash: Run and Build Containers Inside Docker


Build and run layered root filesystems.


cd $(mktemp -d)
git clone .
sudo cp dist/plash /usr/local/bin


sudo rm /usr/local/bin/plash


  • make and cc
  • Linux Kernel >= 5.11
  • Optional newuidmap and newgidmap for setuid/setgid support with non-root users (needed by e.G. apt)


plash --from alpine --apk xeyes -- xeyes


Plash processes have the same operating system access rights than the process that started it. There is no security relevant isolation feature. Exactly as with running programs "normally", don't run programs you do not trust with plash and try to avoid using plash with the root user.

Plash only runs inside Docker containers started with the --privileged flag, see GitHub issue #51 for details.

Plash vs Other Container Engines

Plash containers are not necessarily true containers because they do not fully isolate themselves from the host system and do not have additional security measures set in place. Instead, they are more like a combination of processes and containers, and can be treated like normal processes (e.g., they can be killed). Plash containers also have access to the home directory of the user who started them. To better understand this concept, refer to the provided diagram.

Threads < Processes < Plash < Containers < Virtualisation < Physical computer

In general, the more to the left something is on the spectrum, the less flexible it is, but the more integrated it is with the system, allowing it to share existing resources. Plash containers are more constrained than traditional containers, but in exchange, they have access to resources that would typically only be available to processes.

Resources plash containers share with it's caller

  • Network access, including access to the hosts localhost
  • The user's home directory (/home is mapped)
  • The /tmp directory (during runtime, not during building)
  • The Linux kernel (as with traditional containers)

Resources unique to a plash containers

  • The mount namespace
  • The root folder, allowing running a different linux distribution

Let's look at an example

I want to edit an image at my Desktop with the gimp image editor.

$ plash build --from alpine:edge --apk gimp
$ plash run 112 gimp

Gimp automatically has access to my X-Server and pop ups on my screen. It also has access to my home folder and all my files. But it does run on an alpine distribution and pretty much only in that regard is independent from its host operating system.


Plash containers are just a normal Linux process that happen to run on a different root filesystem. This means that they have their own set of benefits and drawbacks and may be more or less suitable for a particular use case.

Basic concepts

Plash image

A plash image refers to the file system of an operating system that was created usually by plash build. Plash images have a numeric id that can be passed to plash run in order to run an image. A image that is running may be referred as container. You could import a docker image into plash by calling plash import-docker mydockerimage.

Plash container

A plash containers is a Linux processes that was started with the help of plash. Typically you start a plash container with the plash run subcommand. E. G. plash run 23 cowsay hi. Since plash containers are just Linux processes you can list them with ps or top and kill them with kill.

Plash macro

A plash macro may also be referred as a build command. Macros are instructions used to build images. One example is the apt macro which installs any given package or packages with the apt package manager. A more complete example for the usage of the apt macro could be: plash build --from ubuntu:focal --apt nmap. Internally a macro does nothing more than to emit shell code that is executed when an image is build. Use plash --help-macros to list all macros.

Plash build file

A plash build file is a file containing a set of macros. Building an image from a build file can be achieved with following command plash build --eval-file ./my-plash-build-file. Interestingely eval-file which is used to "run" build files is itself a macro. As macros emit shell code so do plash build files.

The syntax of plash build files is inspired by command line arguments which would typically be passed directly to plash build. Example

$ cat ./my-plash-build-file
--macro2 arg1 arg2

Plash executable

Take a build file, have #!/usr/bin/env plash as its first line, mark it as executable and specify it's entrypoint executable with the entrypoint macro. That is a plash executable. Now you you can build and run containerized software without knowing that containers or plash exist.

Simple Tutorial

Let's build an image

$ plash build --from alpine:edge --run 'apk update' --run 'apk add git'

We have now an alpine image with git installed. Let's run it.

$ plash run 4 git status

As long as we are in the home folder our file system will be transparently mapped to the container and be seemingness integrated.

Can we have that shorter? Yes.

$ plash build --from alpine:edge --apk add

Can we have building and running in one line? Of course!

plash --from alpine:edge --apk git -- git status

Still little long, let's use the -A macro, which allows us to specify Alpine Linux and it's package manager at once.

plash --A git -- git status

Now let's look at something completely different, layers.

What if we wanted to use the dotfile program which is distributed via pip

plash --A py3-pip --pip3 dotfiles -- dotfiles --sync

Great, but now if we install a different pip package via the same method, it would download the py3-pip package again. The solution is layers, which in plash are explicit.

plash --A py3-pip --layer --pip3 dotfiles
plash --A py3-pip --layer --pip3 pyexample # won't install py3-pip again.

Congratulation you absolved the Simple Tutorial. Your personal identification token is: adfjk3s9hh. Use it to prove your participation.

Use Case: Containerzied Project Environment

When developing software together with other developers, for example in the context of a company, it might make sense to standartize how the developed software is run for development. Tooling needed for development might also be containerized. The advantages are faster onboarding of new developers and better reproducability of the software along the differnet development computers.

Let's take a look at the following software.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
    return 'Web App with Python Flask''', port=8080)

We could instruct developers do download python3 and install flask, which might be specified at the requirements.txt file. Or better let's use a container to run that software without involving any manual setup steps.

We could write a plash executable and ask users to run that. Save that file to ./runapp and mark it as executable

#!/usr/bin/env plash
--from alpine:edge
--apk py3-pip
--hash-path ./requirements.txt
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt


Now developers can run the application simply by executing ./runapp. When the requirements.txt file changes, all steps after the --hash-path build command are rerun so that modification in the requirements file can take effect.

We can also take this one step forward and containerize development tools. Create a directory called devtools, then add a file called yapf to it.

#!/usr/bin/env plash
--from alpine:edge
--apk py3-pip
--pip3 yapf==0.32.0
--entrypoint yapf

Add the devtools directory to your PATH environment variable. Now every time you type in yapf into your terminal, this containerized version will be used. One advantage is that every developer will have the same yapf version.

Development Guidelines

  • Keep the script character.
  • Don't fall in love with the code, embrace its absence.
  • All dependencies will get unmaintained at some point.
  • Use honest thin wrappers, documented leaky abstractions are better then difficult promises.
  • Don't be a monolith but don't try too hard not to be one.
  • Don't complain or warn via stderr, do it or don't do it.
  • Only be as smart as necessary and keep it simple and stupid (KISS).
  • Still be able to run this in five years without any maintenance work.
  • No baggage, no worries.
  • Define well what this project is and especially what it is not.
  • Say no to features, say yes to solved use cases.
  • Postpone compromises.
  • Ditch everything that turns out too fiddly.
  • Be as vanilla as you can be
  • Be humble, don't oversell your abstraction layer.
  • Sometimes the dirty solution is cleaner than the proper one.
  • Don't differentiate root from non-root users (this is a TODO)
  • Crude is better than complex.
  • Only eat your own dog food if you are hungry.
  • Work towards a timeless, finished product that will require no maintenance.
  • Don't write C just because it looks cool, use the right tool for the right job.
  • The right guidelines for the right situation.

User Interface Guidelines

  • Interface follows code
  • Code supplements documentation
  • Documentation compensates a raw user interface
  • Put effort into documentation
  • If you want fun, go play outside
  • Focus on expert users and automated systems as CLI consumers
  • Don't make difficult things seem easy
  • Don't be too verbose, usually only information about success or failure matter
  • plash will be learned once but used multiple times
  • Avoid too many features slowly getting in
  • The UI is not a marketing instrument
  • Ugly wards testify emphasis on backward compatibility
  • Learning plash should be a valuable skill that lasts
  • Users don't know what they want
  • user errors are the user's fault
  • Rude is better than sorry
  • Technical descriptions do not get outdated, reasoning and interpretations do.


Can I contribute?

Please! Write me an mail, open an issue, do a pull request or ask me out for a friendly chat about plash in Berlin.

Who are you?

A Django/Python software-developer. Since this is an open source project I hope this software grows organically and collaboratively.

Why write a containerization software?

Technical idealism. I wanted a better technical solution for a problem. In my personal opinion Docker is revolutionary but has some shortcomings: awkward interface, reinvention of established software or interfaces, bundling, vendor lock in and overengineering. In a way it kills it's idea by trying too hard to build a huge company on top of it. Plash thrives not to be more than a useful tool with one task: Building and running containerized processes. Ultimately I wanted something I can if necessary maintain by myself.

Are there plans to commercialise this?

No, there isn't. At the same time I don't want to risk disappointing anyone and am not making any absolute guarantees.

What is the Licence?

plash is licensed under the MIT Licence.

How does plash compare to Docker?

Docker is a bloated SUV you have to bring to the car workshop every week, for random alterations, features and new advertising stickers. Plash is a nice fixed gear bike, but the welds are still hot and nobody checked the bolts yet.

Can I run this in production?

You can. It probably still has some warts, what I can guarantee is to enthusiastically support this software and all issues that may come with it and focus on backward compatibility.

Is plash secure?

Plash does not use any daemons or have its own setuid helper binaries. Note that plash does not try to isolate containers (which are just normal processes). That means that running a program inside plash is not a security feature. Running any container software introduces more entities to trust, that is the root file system image with its additional linux distribution and its own package manager. Using a program from alpine edge could be considered less secure than a package from debian stable or vice versa. Also note that keeping containers updated is more difficult than keeping "normal" system software updated. Furthermore note that programs could be not used to run inside semi-isolated containers and behave oddly. Plash uses unmodified lxc images. Using plash as root should be avoided and should not be necessary for most use cases. Until now plash was written by one person and of course I could be wrong about something. But generally speaking it really should be good enough.

Download details:

Author: ihucos

License:  MIT license


Plash: Run and Build Containers Inside Docker
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