What is Cybertime Finance (NFTL) | What is Cybertime Finance token | What is NFTL token

CyberTime Finance has designed NFT Fantasy League ( NFTL ) for crypto artists & NFT lovers. Each Fantasy Teams member can create their own team of crypto artists and their works. Who, in his opinion, will gain the most votes, who will sell their work the most, etc. Anyone who purchases a Fantasy Pass using the native NFTL token can participate. This is just one of its uses. There will be a leaderboard who scored the most points with the Fantasy Team, and there will be cash prizes for the winners.

CyberTime Finance is a whole ecosystem of products on the NFT market 1. NFT Fantasy League for crypto artists & NFT lovers 2. Cyber Farming. No presale. Get NFTL tokens by farming in 5 pools and use NFTL to get CTF 3. DAO ecosystem for project development and distribution of funds from the Community Development Fund with governance token CTF 4. Exclusive NFT Time collection of 86,400 NFTs and NFT exchange platform

NFT platforms

Before the development of NFT Fantasy League, we are planning to launch 3 products as the basis for the future league.

  1. NFT auction platform from CyberTime
  2. Secondary market NFT from CyberTime
  3. Secondary market NFT of projects on #BSC

NFT Fantasy League

How NFTL.art will work?

‌We want to create an NFT league. It will be held seasons (25-30 stages in each season). Each stage lasts approximately 10 days. **How will the stage proceed?**‌

1. Crypto artist uploads his works to the platform before each stage‌

2. Before the start of voting, a draft window opens. Each Fantasy Teams member can create their own team of crypto artists and their works. Who, in his opinion, will gain the most votes, who will sell their work the most, etc. Anyone who purchases a Fantasy Pass using the native NFTL token can participate. This is just one of its uses. There will be a leaderboard who scored the most points with the Fantasy Team, and there will be cash prizes for the winners!‌

3. Voting / pre-sale starts. There will be two types, voting - love and money.‌

  • Love is when you can like the author, write a comment, give a badge (exclusive NFT from our platform) - Money. People transfer money for NFT. All the money will go to the author of the work, but the biggest bet will eventually take the NFT itself.‌

4. After 7 days of voting and discussion, a 24-hour auction opens. Everyone who deposited money at the previous stage gets the opportunity to buy NFT. Highest bet wins‌

5. If the works are not sold, they end up on the secondary market. The starting price of all works is $ 20 and counts down 24 hours to $ 5. Any member can buy at any time. If the work is not sold at this stage, it automatically goes to the NFTL fund. Once a quarter, there will be a charity sale of all NFTs in the fund and the proceeds will be donated to charity (the community will choose which charity to send money to after each sale)‌

**Like? Move on.**‌

We want to implement a personal token system for each crypto artist. Any artist can issue their tokens on our platform. These tokens will be mined according to an interesting scheme. Let’s say the artist has 50,000 tokens in total. By participating in the stage, the author uploads his work. Those who transfer money for his work automatically participate in the mining of the token. It is planned to allocate 1000 tokens for each stage and they will be distributed in proportion to the amount contributed for the author’s NFT.‌

**Why are separate tokens needed?**‌

  • They can be used to buy works by authors at a discount. - You can participate in closed sales of the author’s works (possibly on our other platform) - Earn on the rise in the price of the token (imagine that you can have NFT Pranksy or CryptoPunks, or maybe the tokens of these artists. Someone wants to be involved in them)

Opportunities for crypto artists

  • Earn not only by selling work, but also by voting (it is planned to make $ 1 per vote)
  • Make money selling your work at the final auction. You may not even take a prize in the voting, but successfully sell at the end. There remains a moment of unpredictability
  • Declare yourself to the world. Absolutely everyone can participate in competitions: unknown artists and super popular. The contests bring together crypto art connoisseurs in one place. New stars will light up
  • Fantasy League makes people look at art differently. On the one hand, you enjoy the work, on the other hand, you try to catch the “trends” and guess the mood of users and popular works / authors at the moment

Opportunities for users

  • It is not necessary to buy NFT, you can support the author during the voting. All voting history will be saved in your wallet
  • The ability to create your own Fantasy Team from cryptoartists and their works. Fantasy Team helps you get involved in contests, follow authors and trends
  • Possibility to buy works of any of the participants in the competition. This is not just an NFT, but an NFT with history. It could be the winners of one of the stages or a rising star of the NFT scene. The community itself will create history
  • Get cashback for buying NFT with the native NFTL token

Cyber Farming

Why farming not presale or IEO?

Because you can get NFTL tokens without spending! During farming, you can withdraw your money at any time + farmed NFTL tokens

What are the advantages of farming?

Security of your investments 🔒 Audit from a white hacker trusted by Google, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, and more.

You do not lose your savings 💰 All your tokens will remain with you. You can withdraw tokens from the pool at any time. In pools, your tokens work and you earn!

Huge APY at the start 📈 Whoever enters first will receive huge profits due to the limited supply of tokens on the market. You can immediately sell the NFTL token on PancakeSwap, or start farming the governance token CTF

No pre-sales 🤝 The minimum price for listing, so the community itself forms the fair price of tokens

How to get involved in farming?

  1. Add your tokens to one or several pools on the cybertime.farm website
  2. After adding tokens, you will start receiving NFTL tokens
  3. At any time, you can add tokens to the pool to increase your share and receive more NFTL tokens. You can also withdraw all your tokens from the pool + earned NFTL
  4. You can add NFTL tokens to the NFTL / BNB liquidity pool and start receiving CTF

Cyber Farming Week #1

Dates: February 25 to March 03 Pools: Stablecoins (2): BUSD, USDT Crypto (3): BNB, CAKE, ETH

Total token distribution: 8.640.000 NFTL Total pools: 5 Pool share: 1.728.000 NFTL

What to do with NFTL tokens? You can add them to the NFTL / BNB liquidity pool on PancakeSwap and submit your LP token to our pool at cybertime.farm. Then you can start farming governance tokens CTF When we finish developing the NFTL.art platform for contests and creating a fantasy team, you can use NFTL tokens there

NFTL Tokenomics

What are the benefits for $NFTL holders?

1. NFTL will be the platform’s key token. Artists’ works will be sold for NFTL, there will be a crypto token market for artists paired with NFTL, NFTL can be used to buy access to Fantasy League, etc. The demand for a token increases its value. 2. We thought to make a burn rate to reduce the number of tokens (we will raise this issue later at the DAO voting), but now we are thinking about developing an accelerator for NFT artists, young teams in the field of NFT, creating cross-chain solutions for NFT, virtual worlds on BSC base, etc. 3. We planned to send 25% of the income from the platform to NFTL / BNB liquidity providers

BEP-20 Token Name: NFT Fantasy League Symbol: NFTL Total number of tokens: 86.400.000Distribution scheme:

  • 30% Cyber ​​Farming - 35% Crypto Artist Contests - 35% Fantasy League


CyberTime Finance Token


What are the benefits for $CTF holders?

1. Participation in voting for the development of the project

2. Participation in the distribution of funds from the community development fund

3. 100% of the league stages for BNB will go towards the CTF buyback at market price. 50% will go to the community developer fund, and 50% to CTF / BNB liquidity providers

4. 25% of the profits of all products of the ecosystem (NFTL.art, cybertime.art and others) will be directed towards the buyback of tokens from the market and distribution among liquidity providers and the fund


BEP-20 Token

Name: CyberTime Finance Token

Symbol: CTF

Total supply: 86,400


70% - NFTL / BNB LP Pool

20% - CTF / BNB LP Pool

10% - Team

We laid down the logic in a smart contract based on shares by pools - 80% NFTL / BNB and 20% CTF / BNB and 10% to the team from both pools.

It turns out that all CTF tokens will be distributed according to the following scheme:

From the second month and every 30 days the decrease will be 80%. Such a scheme will be softer. We present you a table of token distribution for the next 12 months in our Docs.


NFT League Token


What are the benefits for $NFTL holders?

1. NFTL will be the platform’s key token. Artists’ works will be sold for NFTL, there will be a crypto token market for artists paired with NFTL, NFTL can be used to buy access to Fantasy League, etc. The demand for a token increases its value.

2. We thought to make a burn rate to reduce the number of tokens (we will raise this issue later at the DAO voting), but now we are thinking about developing an accelerator for NFT artists, young teams in the field of NFT, creating cross-chain solutions for NFT, virtual worlds on BSC base, etc.

3. We planned to send 25% of the income from the platform to NFTL / BNB liquidity providers


BEP-20 Token

Name: NFT Fantasy League

Symbol: NFTL

Total number of tokens: 86,400,000

Distribution scheme:

  • 30% Cyber ​​Farming

  • 35% Crypto Artist Contests

  • 35% Fantasy League

NFT Time Collection

We create an exclusive NFT collection of 86,400 NFTs (seconds in 24 hours).

This is a performance project that develops at the expense of the community. We plan to work with authors, winners of NFT League stages to create unique NFTs.

Each author is allocated 1 minute = 60 seconds = 60 NFT, where he creates a unique work. It will be the same on all 60 NFTs, the only difference is the changing seconds. Having bought 1 NFT, a person buys 1 second from the CyberTime world.

The peculiarity of the project is that a native token will be launched. $SEC, which will allow the owner of the NFT to make an exchange in one direction and the other at any time. This will greatly increase the liquidity of the NFT.

DAO Fund

Within the league, all stages will be divided into 2 directions of payments: BNB & NFTL

During the BNB stage: voting, Fantasy Team formation, auction sale will be for BNB. Accordingly, during the NFTL stage, all calculations will be in this token.

All income from BNB stages is distributed as follows: - 50% goes to the buyback of CTF tokens at the market price and this CTF tokens goes to CTF/BNB pool stakers - 50% goes to the buyback of CTF tokens at the market price and this CTF tokens goes to the Community Development Fund

Distributes all income from NFTL stages as follows: - 25% goes to Community Development Fund - 25% goes to NFTL/BNB LP stakers - 25% goes to buyback CTF at the market price and give CTF/BNB LP stakers - 25% burn rate

The team will not have access to Community Dev Fund. The distribution of the amount will take place through the voting of the token holders

Voting system: - We will launch a voting system on the https://snapshot.page platform. - Each owner of 8.64 CTF tokens can vote.

DAO Accelerator

On the basis of the Community Development Fund, we plan to launch the DAO Accelerator to develop an entire ecosystem of CyberTime-based products and support promising teams and crypto artists. The main condition is that part of the profit will go to the redemption of NFTL & CTF tokens, which will be returned back to the DAO Fund.

Learn about Cryptocurrency in this article ☞ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner

How and Where to Buy Cybertime Finance (NFTL)?

NFTL has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin, ETH, USDT from any large exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy NFTL

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange which was started in China but then moved their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular for its crypto to crypto exchange services. Binance exploded onto the scene in the mania of 2017 and has since gone on to become the top crypto exchange in the world.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step - Transfer your cryptos to an Altcoin Exchange

Since NFTL is an altcoin we need to transfer our coins to an exchange that NFTL can be traded. Below is a list of exchanges that offers to trade NFTL in various market pairs, head to their websites and register for an account.

Once finished you will then need to make a BTC/ETH/USDT deposit to the exchange from Binance depending on the available market pairs. After the deposit is confirmed you may then purchase NFTL from the exchange.

Exchange: PancakeSwap

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once NFTL gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money


Find more information NFTL

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What is Cybertime Finance (NFTL) | What is Cybertime Finance token | What is NFTL token
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