Radar: Effortless Ajax Monitoring for Enhanced Application Performance


The real-time service layer for your web application.


See radar.zendesk.com for detailed documentation.

This is the project necessary for running a radar server. Documentation about building an app and using the client-side libraries is available at radar.zendesk.com. Browse radar client libraries and tools.


Requires: redis 2.8+, node.js 4+

Installing from npm:

$ npm install radar

Programmatic usage

radar can be extended programmatically with custom code and middleware:

var http = require('http')
var { Radar } = require('radar')

var httpServer = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  res.end('Nothing here.');

// Radar server
var radar = new Radar();
radar.attach(httpServer, { redis_host: 'localhost', redis_port: 6379 });


See also the sample directory in the radar repository.

Out-of-the-box usage

$ git clone git@github.com:zendesk/radar.git
$ cd radar
$ npm install
$ npm start

See radar.zendesk.com/server for additional usage and configuration documentation


Running tests

$ npm test

By default, tests are run only against redis sentinel.

If you want to run against redis directly: $ npm run test-redis For direct redis and redis sentinel: $ npm run test-full


Download Details:

Author: zendesk
Source Code: https://github.com/zendesk/radar 
License: Apache-2.0

#ajax #api #real #time 

Radar: Effortless Ajax Monitoring for Enhanced Application Performance
2.80 GEEK