Watch this JavaScript tutorial for beginners to learn JavaScript programming from scratch. 👍

⭐️Course Contents⭐️

01 | Introduction

Get an introduction from Bob, as he kicks off the course, sets expectations, and gives you a little guidance for the road ahead.

02 | Setting Up the Development Environment

See how to install Node and Visual Studio Code, and learn why you need each. Watch as Bob writes a first tiny line of code to make sure that the installation is ready.

03 | Basic JavaScript Syntax

Hear about the basics of the JavaScript syntax, including how JavaScript is executed, how to create a properly formed statement, and more.

04 | Variables

Learn what variables are and how to declare, initialize, set, and get values from them.

05 | Data Types

JavaScript works with data types differently than other programming languages do. Learn from Bob as he explains some of the most basic data types and how to determine the type held by a variable.

06 | Type Coercion and Conversion

Sometimes you need to explicitly convert the data type of a value into a different data type. Sometimes JavaScript will do this automatically for you. Bob explains how and why this happens.

07 | Expressions and Operators

Learn how to spot a well-formed expression and how to compose expressions through the combination of operators and operands.

08 | Arrays

Watch as Bob demonstrates how to use arrays, how to add/remove elements of an array, how to access elements of an array using the index, how to get the number of elements in an array, and more.

09 | Function Declaration

Get an introduction to functions, as Bob shows you one way to define a function, how to call the function, how to pass parameters into a function, how to return values from a function, and more.

10 | Function Expressions

Sometimes a function declaration is more than you need. Get details in this lesson, as Bob demonstrates how to use a function expression and how to create an immediately invoked function expression.

11 | Decision Statements

Learn how to add logic to your applications by testing conditions using if / else statements, switch / case statements, and the ternary operator.

12 | Iteration Statements

Watch as Bob introduces the For and While statements, which enable you to loop through lists of values and perform operations on them.

13 | Basics of Scope

Hear an explanation of the notion of the lifetime of variables and their reach into other code blocks, in this discussion of scope.

14 | Returning Functions from Functions

As a building block toward a more sophisticated approach to building JavaScript applications, see how you can return functions from functions.

15 | Object Literals

Objects contain properties and functions that describe attributes of the object and its behavior, respectively. Watch as Bob demonstrates how to create object literals.

16 | Module Pattern and Revealing Module Pattern

Learn how to introduce variables and functions without leaving an unnecessarily large footprint on the global scope.

17 | Closures

Closures allow developers to bind functions to their execution context, including variables, so you can build specialized versions of functions. Learn how closures work and how to create them.

18 | this Keyword

Get the details on the “this” keyword, which causes a lot of confusion for JavaScript developers. Listen as Bob explains what this mysterious object is and how to bend it to your will.

19 | Destructuring

See how to use destructuring, a new feature in JavaScript that allows you to unpack array elements or object properties in a concise syntax.

20 | String Template Literals

Learn about the new string template literal syntax to enable string interpolation, multi-line string formatting, and more.

21 | Regular Expressions

Working with string data, Bob explains how use regular expressions to determine such things as whether a string matches a specific pattern or whether an instance of the pattern exists in a string.

22 | Built-In Natives

Join Bob as he examines native, built-in JavaScript functions that return objects that box the primitive types in order to provide additional helper methods on your values.

23 | Constructor Function Calls with the new Keyword

Learn how constructor functions work, see how to make key distinctions in what they are, and find out why they’re helpful.

24 | Objects and the Prototype Chain

Moving past the absolute beginner matter, listen in as Bob explains how objects work in JavaScript and how you can create an object that is linked to another object.

25 | JavaScript Classes

Bob demonstrates how “syntactic sugar” works on top of the existing functions and prototype chaining to help JavaScript resemble more traditional object-oriented programming languages.

26 | Arrow Functions

The latest version of JavaScript added arrow functions, a shorthand syntax for creating functions. Watch as Bob demonstrates how to create them and shows where they’re useful.

27 | Truthy and Falsy Values

Listen is as Bob circles back to topics that are important (but didn’t easily fit into earlier topics) and looks at the odd way in which JavaScript evaluates certain expressions as truthy and falsy.

28 | null Type

Similar to the undefined primitive type, the null type represents a variable that has no reference to an object when one was expected. Hear an explanation of how and why we should think about nulls.

29 | Date Objects

No discussion of JavaScript would be complete without understanding the Date built-in native function which provides properties and methods for working with dates and times.

30 | String Methods

The built-in native String function provides several very useful methods for manipulating and evaluating strings. Watch Bob demonstrate how to use a few of the most useful ones.

31 | Array Methods

We’ve worked with arrays throughout this course. Now Bob takes a few minutes to show you some of the most useful methods provided by the Array built-in native function.

32 | Error Handling with Try Catch

See how to wrap a try/catch/finally statement around potentially problematic code to anticipate everything that could go wrong with it, and learn other error-handling tips.

33 | Understanding the Document Object Model

Watch Bob examine the web browser environment and how it creates an object graph of nodes that represent elements, their attributes, and text, plus how to properly attach your code to an HTML page.

34 | Working with DOM Nodes

Continuing from the previous video, Bob demonstrates a slightly more compelling example that helps us understand how to manipulate, create, and delete element nodes and attribute nodes.

35 | Course Conclusion

In this final video, Bob briefly adds some closing comments and well wishes. You can also optionally complete a survey to provide insight into how Microsoft can improve this course.

#javascript #web-development

JavaScript Programming Tutorial - Full JavaScript Course for Beginners
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