Typeregistry: Create Type Dynamically in Golang


A library to create type dynamically

how to use

// 1. define struct
type Student struct {
    Age  int
    Name string

// 2. add reflect type
key := AddType(new(Student))

// 3. create struct from registed key
student := Make(key)

custom registed key

var i interface{} = new(Student)

// use lowercase struct name as key
name := AddTypeWithKey(i, func(i interface{}) string {
    tpe := reflect.TypeOf(i).Elem()
    return strings.ToLower(tpe.Name())

student, ok := Create("student").(*Student)


go.exe test -benchmem -run=^$ supperxin/typeregistry -bench ^BenchmarkMake$

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: supperxin/typeregistry
BenchmarkMake-8        8823256           138 ns/op          64 B/op           2 allocs/op
ok      supperxin/typeregistry    1.551s
go.exe test -benchmem -run=^$ supperxin/typeregistry -bench ^BenchmarkCreateDirectly$

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: supperxin/typeregistry
BenchmarkCreateDirectly-8       1000000000             0.593 ns/op           0 B/op           0 allocs/op
ok      supperxin/typeregistry    0.857s

Download Details:

Author: xiaoxin01
Source Code: https://github.com/xiaoxin01/typeregistry 
License: MIT license

#go #golang #types 

Typeregistry: Create Type Dynamically in Golang
1.05 GEEK