In this video, you'll learn how to use the Camera.MAUI CameraView to take pictures in your .NET MAUI app. We'll cover everything from setting up the CameraView to taking and saving pictures. By the end of the video, you'll be able to take pictures in your .NET MAUI app like a pro!

Taking pictures, scanning barcodes, generating barcodes. Is there anything this CameraView plugin can't do?! With the Camera.MAUI plugin for .NET MAUI you have a very flexible camera preview element for grabs. Let's see how to set it up!

🔗 Links
Sample Code Repo:

Camera.MAUI Repo:

⏱ Timestamps
0:00 - .NET MAUI CameraView
0:15 - Options to Use Camera in .NET MAUI
1:17 - Camera.MAUI Repository
2:25 - Install Plugin NuGet
3:07 - Initialize CameraView
3:30 - Setup Platform Camera Permissions
4:20 - Add CameraView in XAML
5:30 - Select Different Cameras
7:42 - Samsung Users Watch Out!
8:46 - Running Android Sample
9:10 - Take Picture with Camera.MAUI
12:24 - What's Next For This Plugin?

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Learn how to take pictures in .NET MAUI with Camera.MAUI!
3.80 GEEK