This is part 1 of Developing Instagram Clone series, other parts are linked below

  1. Developing Instagram Clone: Introduction.
  2. Developing Instagram Clone: Discovery Service.
  3. Developing Instagram Clone: Auth Service
  4. Developing Instagram Clone: Media Service.
  5. Developing Instagram Clone: Post Service.
  6. Developing Instagram Clone: Graph Service.
  7. Developing Instagram Clone: Newsfeed Service.
  8. Developing Instagram Clone: Gateway Service.
  9. Developing Instagram Clone: Front-end Service

We all know what micrservices architecture is, if you don’t know what it is, there are plenty of good articles out there that can teach you the theoretical part of it.

In this tutorial we will be focusing more on the practical part of it, cloning Instagram is fun, we all love images and videos. Also, it will give you the basics on how to build a scalable social networking websites.

Features we are going to develop

Of course we won’t be able to develop the whole features in Instagram but we will pick some of basic features, we will implement the following:

  • A user can register a new account.
  • A user can login to his account.
  • A user can view his profile.
  • A user can follow other users.
  • A user can create a post.
  • A user can view news feed based on the posts from the users (s)he is following.

This video shows exactly what we are going to do.

To make the project fit into 16GB local machine, we will exclude some features like Search and notifications, which we will address in a separate tutorials and projects.

#microservices #cloud #developer

Microservices In Practice: Developing Instagram Clone — Introduction
11.80 GEEK