Brazilian Lift of Death Takes on Data-Diff Testing

A uni project dedicated to software testing.
The goal is to conduct a testing cycle on chosen product - for that purpose, our group, called the Brazilian Lift of Death, selected a tool called data-diff.

Environment setup

The tests will be conducted on local environments (more on that in upcoming documentation) with all the secondary services, possibly with auxilary testing tools, containerised.

Running docker compose

One has to install docker along with docker-compose on their machine (with accordance to the possesed OS). Then it's just a matter of running the command docker compose up.


The graph below describes the composed container architecture.

Git gud.

Presto and Trino (Younger brother of trino, stemming from the same project) are query engines, balancing the load between different databases (registered via .properties files in catalog folders). Postgres is a standard OLTP row-oriented database, Clichouse is a columnar OLAP solution, as well as Vertica (Community Edition), which is really not as easy to get known with as open source projects but at least I found the documentation.

It is worth noting, that all the tree SQL databases above don't possess a web UI. Thus an auxiliary service of Redash is run. Within it, one has to manually set up the database connectors, so that one can easily explore and modify their contents. More on that in Configuring Redash


Kept in the docker/variables.env as well as are the following settings:

Service NameComponentLocal AddressUserPasswordTest-database
vertica-serviceVerticalocalhost:5433dbadminNo passwordvertica
redash-server-serviceRedash Serverlocalhost:5000To be configured manuallyTo be configured manually 

Configuring Redash

On the first login (and on any subsequent purge of the redash-dedicated volume) one has to create an account. It can be filed with fake data, yet, upon forgetting the password the volume has to be restarted - unless you provide real data and configure an email server within the variables.env file.

Later on, connectors for PostgreSQL, ClickHouse and Vertica have to be configured following the convention used on the screenshots below:

screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm Sign-upscreen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm ClickHouse
screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm PostgreSQLscreen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm Vertica

Using the architecture

How to use the presto CLI directly on the docker image: Link, but with a small caveat, the command to be executed on containe will be /bin/presto
How to do the above, but from your local machine connecting to the docker? Like that
Example of presto usage connested to a clichouse instance? Got you
How to do the same with trino? I'm glad you askn', with a similar caveat if run directly on the container: the command will simply be trino.

Download Details:

Author: hamer101

Official Github: 


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Brazilian Lift of Death Takes on Data-Diff Testing
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