How to Create a Basic HTML5 Template

Example 1: default html template

* 		<!doctype html>
* 		<html lang="en">
* 		<head>
* 		  <meta charset="utf-8">
* 		  <title>My Page Title</title>
* 		  <meta name="description" content=" OKhatrimaza is a web site publishing pirated movies, TV serials, web-series, OTT authentic internet sequence, OTT authentic movies.">
* 		  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css?v=1.0">
* 		</head>
* 		<body>
* 		  <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>
* 		</body>
* 		</html>

Example 2: html boilerplate

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
<script src="main.js"></script>

Example 3: html template page

* 		<!doctype html>
* 		<html>
* 		<head>
* 		   <title>PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"·</title>
* 		   <meta name="description" content="PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.">
* 		   <meta name="author" content="PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.">
* 		   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
* 		</head>
* 		<body>
* 		   <h2> PHP Courses & Tutorials </h2>
* 		   <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>
* 		</body>
* 		</html>

sample html template

Example 4: HTML Code

* 		<nav class='main hList inactive'>
* 		  <div class="tab active"><span>Tamil</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab"><span>English</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab"><span>Hindi</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>Marathi</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>Panajabi</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>Hollywood</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>Bollywood</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>Leave</span></div><!--
* 		  --><div class="tab" ><span>More..</span></div>
* 		</nav>
* 		<page id="dashboard">
* 		  <span class="pagetag">#HOME</span>
* 		  <section class="header">
* 		    <div>
* 		      <h2><span>W</span><span>ELCOME</span></h2>
* 		      <h5>COLDPLAY</h5>
* 		    </div>
* 		    <div class='logo'></div>
* 		  </section>
* 		  <section id="grid_wrapper" class="init">
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>English</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Hindi</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Marathi</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Panajabi</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Hollywood</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Bollywood</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>Leave</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		    <card>
* 		      <div>
* 		        <span>More..</span>
* 		      </div>
* 		    </card>
* 		  </section>
* 		</page>
* 		<div id="identify_block_main" class='inactive'>
* 		  <button class="close"></button>
* 		  <div class='content'>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#1</h2>
* 		      <p> 
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#2</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#3</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#4</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#5</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#6</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#7</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		    <section>
* 		      <h2>#8</h2>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		      <p>
* 		        4cgandhi is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.
* 		      </p>
* 		    </section>
* 		  </div>
* 		</div>
* 		<div id="block-ft">
* 		  <span style="display:block;font-size:0.9em;line-height:55px;"><span style="display:inline-block;">© <span style="font-family:'Titillium Web';font-weight:900;letter-spacing:0.06em">CALVRIX</span> Design 2016</span></span>
* 		  <span style="display:block;font-size:0.7em;line-height:30px;margin-top:-25px;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.15)">⟨ !--kidding obviously-- ⟩<span>
* 		</div>

JS Code

* 		$('nav.main>.tab').each(function(index){
* 		  $(this).css({'transition-delay':((index*0.1)+'s')}); 
* 		});
* 		$('#grid_wrapper>card').each(function(index){
* 		  $(this).css({'transition-delay':((index*0.05)+'s')}); 
* 		});
* 		$('document').ready(function(){
* 		  $('#grid_wrapper').removeClass('init');
* 		});
* 		//$('nav.main').removeClass('inactive');
* 		$('nav.main>.tab').click(function(e){
* 		  var $eq=$('nav.main>.tab').index($(this));
* 		  var $ripple=$("<div/>");
* 		  $ripple.addClass('ripple');
* 		  $ripple.css({left:e.clientX-$(this).offset().left,top:e.clientY-$(this).offset().top});
* 		  $(this).append($ripple);
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    $ripple.remove();
* 		  },1000);
* 		  var $geratStore=$("<div/>");
* 		  $geratStore.addClass('ripple');
* 		  $geratStore.addClass('mega');
* 		  $geratStore.css({
* 		                  left:e.clientX,
* 		                  top:e.clientY,
* 		                  background:$(this).css('border-color')
* 		                  });
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.content').append($geratStore);
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    $geratStore.animate({opacity:0},1000);
* 		    setTimeout(function(){
* 		      $geratStore.remove();
* 		    },1000);
* 		  },500);
* 		  $('nav.main').find('.active').removeClass('active');
* 		  $(this).addClass('active');
* 		  $('#grid_wrapper>card>div').removeClass('active');
* 		  var $card=$('#grid_wrapper>card').eq($eq).find('div');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.clone>span').html($card.find('span').html());
* 		  $card.addClass('active');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.content>section').removeClass('active');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.content>section').eq($eq).addClass('active');
* 		});
* 		hLists=document.getElementsByClassName('hList');
* 		for(var i=0; i<hLists.length;i++)
* 		  {
* 		      hLists[i].leftScrollTarget=0;
* 		      hLists[i].onmousewheel=function(event) {
* 		      temp=this.leftScrollTarget-(event.wheelDelta*10);       if(temp<=0)
* 		        this.leftScrollTarget=0;
* 		      else if(temp>=this.scrollWidth-this.clientWidth)
* 		        this.leftScrollTarget = this.scrollWidth-this.clientWidth;
* 		      else 
* 		        this.leftScrollTarget = temp;
* 		        event.preventDefault();
* 		      };
* 		  }
* 		function render(){
* 		  window.requestAnimationFrame(render);
* 		  for(var i=0;i<hLists.length;i++)
* 		    {
* 		      hLists[i].scrollLeft+=(hLists[i].leftScrollTarget-hLists[i].scrollLeft)/10;
* 		    }
* 		}render();
* 		var block_new=document.getElementById('dashboard').getElementsByTagName('section');
* 		for(var i=0;i<block_new.length;i++)
* 		  {
* 		    block_new[i].transY=0;
* 		  }
* 		window.onscroll=function(e){
* 		  for(var i=0;i<block_new.length;i++){
* 		    block_new[i].transY=(i)*parseInt(window.scrollY)
* 		    block_new[i].style.transform='translateY(-'+block_new[i].transY+'px)';
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		$('#grid_wrapper>card>div').click(function(){
* 		  //Get index of active section
* 		  var $eq=$('#grid_wrapper>card').index($(this).parent());
* 		  //clone the tab and add to identify_block_main
* 		  var $clone = $(this).clone();
* 		  $clone.addClass('clone');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main').append($clone);
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    $clone.addClass('deactivate');
* 		  },250);
* 		  //Make overlay visible and animate to full size
* 		$('#identify_block_main').removeClass('inactive');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.clone').css({
* 		    top:$(this).offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + ($(this).height()/2),
* 		    left:$(this).offset().left - $(window).scrollLeft() + ($(this).width()/2),
* 		    height:$(this).height(),
* 		    width:$(this).width()
* 		  }).show().animate({
* 		    top:'50%',
* 		    left:'50%',
* 		    width:'100%',
* 		    height:'100%'
* 		  },500);
* 		  //Add active class to clicked tab to make it disappear
* 		  $('#grid_wrapper>card>div').removeClass('active');
* 		  $(this).addClass('active');
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    //Show menu
* 		    $('nav').removeClass('inactive');
* 		    //Activate tab on menu
* 		    $('nav.main>.tab').removeClass('active');
* 		    $('nav.main>.tab').eq($eq).addClass('active');
* 		    document.querySelectorAll('nav.main>')[0].scrollIntoView();
* 		  },500);
* 		  //700ms after click 
* 		  //Menu is visible
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    //Animate corresponding section content to life
* 		    $('#identify_block_main>div.content>section').removeClass('active');
* 		    $('#identify_block_main>div.content>section').eq($eq).addClass('active');
* 		  },700);
* 		});
* 		$('#identify_block_main>.close').click(function(){
* 		  $('nav.main').addClass('inactive');
* 		  $('#identify_block_main>div.content>section').removeClass('active');
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    $('#identify_block_main>div.clone').removeClass('deactivate');
* 		  },750);
* 		  setTimeout(function(){
* 		    var $eq=$('nav.main>.tab').index($('nav.main>.active'));
* 		    var $active=$('#grid_wrapper>card').eq($eq).find('div');
* 		    $('#identify_block_main>div.clone').animate({
* 		      top:$active.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() +$active.height()/2,
* 		      left:$active.offset().left- $(window).scrollLeft() +$active.width()/2,
* 		      height:$active.height(),
* 		      width:$active.width()
* 		    },700,'easeOutCubic',function(){
* 		      setTimeout(function(){
* 		      $('#identify_block_main>div.clone').remove();
* 		      $('#grid_wrapper>card>div').removeClass('active');
* 		      });
* 		    });
* 		    $('#identify_block_main').addClass('inactive');
* 		  },500);
* 		});

CSS code

* 		body
* 		{
* 		  margin:0;
* 		  overflow-X:hidden;
* 		  font-family:"Raleway","Roboto","Helvetica",sans-serif;
* 		  -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;
* 		  -moz-font-smoothing:antialiased;
* 		  -ms-font-smoothing:antialiased;
* 		  font-smoothing:antialiased;
* 		  background:rgba(18,18,26,1);
* 		  background-image:url('');
* 		  background-blend-mode:overlay;
* 		  background-size:15%;
* 		}
* 		::-webkit-scrollbar
* 		{
* 		  display:none;
* 		}
* 		/*Grid Wrapper*/
* 		#dashboard
* 		{
* 		  color:#aaaaaf;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  position:relative;
* 		  padding:100px;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  transition:transform 0.5s ease-in-out;
* 		}
* 		#dashboard>section
* 		{
* 		  position:relative;
* 		}
* 		#dashboard>.header>div
* 		{
* 		  position:relative;
* 		  display:inline-block;
* 		  margin-right:25px;
* 		  vertical-align:middle;
* 		  text-shadow:0px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,1);
* 		}
* 		#dashboard>.pagetag
* 		{
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  top:10px;
* 		  left:10px;
* 		  padding:10px 15px;
* 		  font-size:0.8em;
* 		  color:rgba(96,78,177,1);
* 		  background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
* 		}
* 		/*Heading*/
* 		#dashboard .logo
* 		{
* 		  width:200px;
* 		  height:200px;
* 		  border-radius:50%;
* 		  background-image:url("");
* 		  background-size:100%;
* 		  background-position:50% 50%;
* 		  box-shadow:0px 0px 20px -10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
* 		}
* 		#dashboard h2
* 		{
* 		  font-weight:300;
* 		  letter-spacing:0.07em;
* 		  margin-left:-20px;
* 		}
* 		#dashboard h5
* 		{
* 		  margin-top:-20px;
* 		  font-weight:400;
* 		  letter-spacing:1.9em;
* 		}
* 		#dashboard h2>span:first-child
* 		{
* 		  font-size:3em;
* 		}
* 		#dashboard h2>span:nth-child(2)
* 		{
* 		  font-size:2em;
* 		  margin-left:-0.2em;
* 		  font-weight:400;
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper
* 		{
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  display:inline-block;
* 		  margin-top:60px;
* 		  box-sizing:border-box;
* 		  padding:0px 20px;
* 		  margin-left:-100px;
* 		  position:relative;
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper.init>card
* 		{
* 		  transform:scale(0);
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card
* 		{
* 		  display:block;
* 		  width:25%;
* 		  height:200px;
* 		  float:left;
* 		  transition:transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1);
* 		  padding:20px;
* 		  box-sizing:border-box;
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card>div,#identify_block_main>.clone
* 		{
* 		  color:#aaaaaf;
* 		  cursor:pointer;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  position:relative;
* 		  transition:box-shadow 0.3s;
* 		  overflow:hidden;
* 		  border:1px solid rgba(66,76,119,0.1);
* 		  box-shadow:0px 20px 50px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card>
* 		{
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card>div:hover
* 		{
* 		  box-shadow:0px 30px 60px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card>div:before,#identify_block_main>.clone:before
* 		{
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  content:"";
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  top:0;
* 		  left:0;
* 		  background-size:100%;
* 		  background-position:50% 50%;
* 		  background-blend-mode:overlay;
* 		  background-image:url("");
* 		  background-color:rgba(43,26,119,0.25);
* 		  transition:all 0.2s;
* 		  -webkit-filter:blur(3px);
* 		  -moz-filter:blur(3px);
* 		  filter:blur(3px);
* 		  -ms-filter:blur(3px);
* 		}
* 		#grid_wrapper>card>div>span,#identify_block_main>.clone>span
* 		{
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:50px;
* 		  margin-top:-25px;
* 		  top:50%;
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  line-height:50px;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  text-align:center;
* 		  font-size:1.5em;
* 		  opacity:1;
* 		}
* 		/*End of Section*/
* 		/*NavBar Style*/
* 		/*Comes up only when you're open in a section*/
* 		nav.main
* 		{
* 		  overflow-X:auto;
* 		  overflow-Y:visible;
* 		  z-index:+25;
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  top:0;
* 		  left:0;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:55px;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  white-space:nowrap;
* 		}
* 		body:after,#block-ft:after,#block-ft:before
* 		{
* 		  /* background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(190,78,114,1) 0%, rgba(254,117,98,1) 33.33%, rgba(86,72,105,1) 66.66%,  rgba(126,70,99,1) 100%) */;
* 		  background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(107,208,228,1) 0%, rgba(96,78,177,1) 33%, rgba(200,142,102,1) 66%, rgba(201,85,169,1) 100%); /* w3c */
* 		  content:"";
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  top:0px;
* 		  left:0px;
* 		  height:5px;
* 		  z-index:+30;
* 		}
* 		nav.main.inactive>.tab
* 		{
* 		  transform:rotateX(90deg) translateY(-25px);
* 		}
* 		nav.main>.tab
* 		{
* 		  transform-origin:50% 0% 0px;
* 		  background:#fff;
* 		  box-sizing:border-box;
* 		  /* border-top:5px solid; */
* 		  font-weight:600;
* 		  font-size:0.9em;
* 		  color:#161725;
* 		  display:inline-block;
* 		  width:15%;
* 		  text-align:center;
* 		  line-height:45px;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  border-top:rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 5px solid;
* 		  position:relative;
* 		  cursor:pointer;
* 		  overflow:hidden;
* 		  transition:transform 0.5s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1);
* 		}
* 		nav.main>
* 		{
* 		  z-index:+5000;
* 		}
* 		nav.main>>span
* 		{
* 		  background:#d5d5d5;
* 		}
* 		nav.main>.tab>span
* 		{
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  -webkit-user-select:none;
* 		  -moz-user-select:none;
* 		  -ms-user-select:none;
* 		  user-select:none;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  transform:line-height 0.2s;
* 		}
* 		nav.main>.tab:not(.active)>span:hover
* 		{
* 		  background:#dadada;
* 		}
* 		nav.main>.tab:after
* 		{
* 		  content:"";
* 		  top:0;
* 		  right:0;
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  border-top:0px solid transparent;
* 		  border-bottom:50px solid transparent;
* 		  border-right:0px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.05);
* 		  transition:all 0.2s;
* 		}
* 		nav.main>.tab:hover:after
* 		{
* 		  content:"";
* 		  right:0;
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  border-top:0px solid transparent;
* 		  border-bottom:55px solid transparent;
* 		  border-right:10px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
* 		}
* 		/*End of Section*/
* 		/*Ripple Styling*/
* 		.ripple
* 		{
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  animation:ripple 1s 1 ease-out;
* 		  background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
* 		  margin:-250px;
* 		  width:500px;
* 		  height:500px;
* 		  transform:scale(10);
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  border-radius:50%;
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		}
* 		/*One for the BIIIIG ONE!*/
* 		.mega.ripple
* 		{
* 		  border-radius:50%;
* 		  background:rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
* 		  opacity:1;
* 		}
* 		@keyframes ripple
* 		{
* 		  0%{
* 		    opacity:1;
* 		    transform:scale(0);
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		/*End of Section*/
* 		/*This one Wraps content of the tabs*/
* 		#identify_block_main.inactive
* 		{
* 		 pointer-events:none; 
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main
* 		{
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  z-index:+20;
* 		  top:0;
* 		  left:0;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  perspective:1000px;
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.content
* 		{
* 		  z-index:+50;
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  top:0;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  left:0;
* 		  display:block;
* 		  box-sizing:border-box;
* 		  padding:5%;
* 		  padding-top:100px;
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.clone.deactivate
* 		{
* 		   background:linear-gradient(#14151a,#161725); 
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.clone.deactivate>span{
* 		  font-size:50em;
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		  animate:blow 0.5s 0s cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1);
* 		}
* 		@keyframes blow
* 		{
* 		  to{
* 		    font-size:50em;
* 		    opacity:0;
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.clone.deactivate:before
* 		{
* 		  animation:fadeOut 0.25s 0s 1 cubic-bezier;
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		}
* 		@keyframes fadeOut
* 		{
* 		  from{
* 		    opacity:1;
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.clone
* 		{
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:100%;
* 		  transform-origin:50% 50%;
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  transform-origin:50% 50%;
* 		  transform:translate(-50%,-50%) rotateY(180deg);
* 		  animation:flipOpen 0.5s 0s 1 cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1);
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main.inactive>div.clone
* 		{
* 		  animation:flipClose 0.7s 0s 1 cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1);
* 		  transform:translate(-50%,-50%);
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		}
* 		@keyframes flipOpen
* 		{
* 		  from{
* 		    transform:translate(-50%,-50%);
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		@keyframes flipClose
* 		{
* 		  from{
* 		    transform:translate(-50%,-50%) rotateY(180deg);
* 		  }
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.content>
* 		{
* 		  opacity:1;
* 		  transform:none;
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>div.content>section{
* 		  color:#aaa;
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  top:100px;
* 		  left:5%;
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		  transition:all 0.5s;
* 		  transform:translateY(-100px);
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main.inactive>button
* 		{
* 		  opacity:0;
* 		}
* 		#identify_block_main>button
* 		{
* 		  z-index:+100;
* 		  transition:opacity 0.2s 1s;
* 		  padding:20px;
* 		  font-family:"FontAwesome";
* 		  color:white;
* 		  font-size:1.2em;
* 		  background:none;
* 		  outline:none;
* 		  border:none;
* 		  position:fixed;
* 		  top:60px;
* 		  right:0;
* 		  cursor:pointer;
* 		}
* 		/*End of Section*/
* 		/*Footer Design*/
* 		#block-ft
* 		{
* 		  font-size:0.9em;
* 		  position:relative;
* 		  margin-top:200px;
* 		  width:100%;
* 		  height:70px;
* 		  text-align:center;
* 		  color:rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
* 		  z-index:+15;
* 		}
* 		#block-ft:before
* 		{
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  top:0;
* 		  height:3px;
* 		}
* 		#block-ft:after
* 		{
* 		  position:absolute;
* 		  bottom:1px;
* 		  top:unset;
* 		  height:3px;
* 		}
* 		/*End of Section*/

I hope you get an idea about basic html page.


How to Create a Basic HTML5 Template
1.00 GEEK