What is Aircoins (AIRX) | What is Aircoins token | What is AIRX token

About Aircoins

There’s no easier way for someone to get involved and earn cryptocurrency than by downloading Aircoins. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about various cryptocurrency projects in the space. Merging cryptocurrency with mobile gaming, augmented reality and digital advertising, players are incentivized by collecting rewards and digital assets. We have a very enthusiastic community that genuinely enjoys finding & collecting coins on our platform. What’s even more encouraging is the amazing photos and testimonials we receive from users all around the world.

Aircoins describes itself as an augmented reality, cryptocurrency gaming, and marketing App available on both Android and IOS App stores. Users can hunt for and collect cryptocurrencies within an interactive, A.R environment based on geolocation similar to that of Pokemon Go. The Aircoins team claims to have partnered with over 25 crypto projects, acquiring 27,000 active users with over 13M coins collected within the platform.

Aircoins Features

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Find Coins

Airсоins is a mobile app where players can collect digital assets in AR based on geolocation. Using a proof of effort algorithm players are rewarded for their effort while staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a view of the real, physical world in which users find elements enhanced by computer-generated input. Collect from over 50 different partner coins in AR!


Aircoins introduces a new digital medium for advertising, communication and brand marketing. Increase your companies brand awareness through interactive 3D Augmented Reality ads.


Collect digital assets & AR collectibles as well as other retail incentives such as coupons, exclusive promotions and more.

Supply of 20,000,000,000 AIRX coins.

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How and Where to Buy Aircoins (AIRX)?

AIRX has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying Bitcoin, ETH, USDT from any large exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy AIRX

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange which was started in China but then moved their headquarters to the crypto-friendly Island of Malta in the EU. Binance is popular for its crypto to crypto exchange services. Binance exploded onto the scene in the mania of 2017 and has since gone on to become the top crypto exchange in the world.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT)


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step - Transfer your cryptos to an Altcoin Exchange

Since AIRX is an altcoin we need to transfer our coins to an exchange that AIRX can be traded. Below is a list of exchanges that offers to trade AIRX in various market pairs, head to their websites and register for an account.

Once finished you will then need to make a BTC/ETH/USDT deposit to the exchange from Binance depending on the available market pairs. After the deposit is confirmed you may then purchase AIRX from the exchange: PancakeSwap and JulSwap

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once AIRX gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money


Find more information AIRX

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🔺DISCLAIMER: Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure that you understand these risks if you are a beginner. The Information in the post is my OPINION and not financial advice. You are responsible for what you do with your funds

Learn about Cryptocurrency in this article ☞ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner

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What is Aircoins (AIRX) | What is Aircoins token | What is AIRX token
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