In this video, you will learn about the TensorFlow.js ecosystem: how to bring an existing ML model into your JS app and re-train the model using your data. We’ll also go over our efforts beyond the browser to bring ML to platforms such as React Native, Raspberry Pi, and Electron, and we’ll do a live demo of some of our favorite and unique applications!

Machine Learning is a powerful tool that offers unique opportunities for JavaScript developers. This is why we created TensorFlow.js, a library for training and deploying ML models in the browser and in Node.js.

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Further reading about TensorFlow.js and Machine Learning

Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python

Introducing TensorFlow.js: Machine Learning in Javascript

TensorFlow is dead, long live TensorFlow!

Machine Learning Tutorial - Image Processing using Python, OpenCV, Keras and TensorFlow

A Beginners Guide for Building Neural Networks in Tensorflow

#tensorflow #machine-learning #python #deep-learning #data-science #web-development

TensorFlow.js Bringing Machine Learning to the Web and Beyond
26.30 GEEK