Ponder: Focus on Learning, Not Cheating

Ponder is a software developed in Python using the Tkinter GUI. The software is designed for schools and universities alike, it prevents the students from swapping applications while giving online MCQ based tests, and doesnt allow to Alt-Tab, Ctrl+F4, or even run task manager. The only way to exit the software is when you have completed the test.

The questions can be added from the "questions.json" file (which is mandatory for the execution of the program). The executable and the json file should be in the same directory, and the timer for the test can be adjusted from the questions.json file as well (in seconds only, example, 5 mins : 300seconds)

The code is optimised to the core. Its a simple plug and play.

If you run into any problems reach out to me on krishgera@outlook.com

P.S (Important) : You have to enter the email id and password in the email_config.json file provided. The applications Ponder.exe, emaiL_config.json and questions.json all should be in the same directory. Make sure the internet is working as ponder requires internet connectivity to send test results.

The file might be incorrectly flagged as a virus, due to pyinstaller being used to build the python script, however this is not true.

Download Details:

Author: krishgera

Official Github: https://github.com/krishgera/ponder 


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Ponder: Focus on Learning, Not Cheating
1.40 GEEK