Go-Icons: Empowering Golang with Iconic Efficiency


React icons for IFRC-GO project.


yarn add @ifrc-go/icons
npm install @ifrc-go/icons

GitHub Pages

For local development

docker-compose up page-dev

For building the NextJS project

docker-compose up page-build


Each icon can be imported as a react component.

import { MenuLineIcon } from '@ifrc-go/icons';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <MenuLineIcon className={{ color: #3b82f6 }} />

Each icon has its stroke and fill property set to currentColor. The icon style can be set using the color CSS property.

Download Details:

Author: IFRCGo
Source Code: https://github.com/IFRCGo/go-icons 
License: MIT license

#go #golang 

Go-Icons: Empowering Golang with Iconic Efficiency
1.45 GEEK