ChatGPT Widescreen: Enhanced Viewing for ChatGPT

💡 About

ChatGPT Widescreen Mode adds widescreen + fullscreen modes to ChatGPT, enhancing your chat sessions by reducing scrolling & creating a more immersive viewing experience.

📺 Demo


💊 Benefits

Experience clearer programming code display with proper indentation

View multi-step instructions or long recipes on a single page for easier reference

Enjoy original lyrics, poetry, essays, or compositions in a more visually pleasing format

Customize features like larger chatbox & hidden header/footer for more spacious view

 Works with: +

🗨️ User feedback

🚀 Installation

Browser extension:

Install ChatGPT Widescreen Mode extension (Chrome, Edge)

Visit as normal & mode toggles are added to chatbar!

Pro tip: For easier access to extension toggles, (1) click in the browser's toolbar, (2) then next to extension name.

Greasemonkey userscript:

Install Tampermonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera) or Violentmonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)

Install ChatGPT Widescreen Mode userscript (will load in userscript manager installed above)

Visit or & mode toggles are added to chatbar!

Full-Window toggle

NOTE: On, since full-window mode hides the sidebar, press '+' to start new chats

⚡ Dependencies


ChatGPT Widescreen Mode relies on code from the powerful chatgpt.js library (c) 2023 KudoAI & contributors under the MIT license.

🌐 Compatibility

ChatGPT Widescreen Mode is compatible w/ the following browsers:


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Download Details:

Author: adamlui
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#chatgpt #gpt #javascript #nlp #chat #machinelearning 

ChatGPT Widescreen: Enhanced Viewing for ChatGPT
1.30 GEEK