What is Liquidifty (LQT) | What is Liquidifty token | What is LQT token

In this article, we’ll discuss information about the Liquidifty project and LQT token

What’s liquidifty?

NFT market reached $5M daily volume in 2021. Non-fungible tokens already touched every industry in the world — sports, art, tech companies are selling their NFTs every day. And this is only the beginning — more and more people are now involved in the NFT market. But how can usual traders and users get benefits from it?

For this we want to introduce Liquidifty — the platform which will bring more liquidity to the NFT market, granting users more use cases to all NFTs they have.

There are a lot of different and unique NFTs, all of them are made on different blockchains. But there’s one thing that unites them — value. We help users to use this value. Even collectible NFT can not only gather dust on a virtual shelf, but also bring additional income.

What’s inside?

Liquidifty will provide different tools for NFT collectors. Every user will be able to use cross-chain NFT oracles, take loans under the NFT collateral, earn with NFT vaults and more.

Loans under the NFT collateral

Did you just buy a valuable NFT and need money for profitable trade? Use your NFT as a collateral to get funds. NFT estimated price will be determined by our trustable oracles and then you’ll be able to borrow ETH. You can also lend money to other users and earn with it.

Cross-chain NFT oracles

We are also developing cross-chain oracles that will analyze prices for NFTs on different blockchains and estimate the price of each NFT held by our users.

NFTs multi-ownership

Some NFTs may cost a lot, but they can also give you more profits in future. You want to buy them, but don’t have enough funds?

Cooperate with other users and split the purchase. You’ll have a multi-sign address with the NFT you bought and will share all profits with the co-owner.

Cross-chain NFT marketplace

With Liquidifty you’ll also be able to sell/buy NFTs from any blockchain. We are planning to implement NFTs made on Ethereum, BSC, Flow.

NFT vaults

NFT vaults will aim to automatize profitable trading of NFTs on different markets and exchanges, gaining benefits for our users.

How to mint NFT

I. First of all, the Liquidifty marketplace is based on Binance Smart Chain, not Ethereum. That means you have to connect your Metamask to the BSC network. How to do it:

  1. We want to access the Settings to point the wallet towards Binance Smart Chain nodes.

2. On the Settings page, we want to locate the Networks menu.

3. We want to click Add Network in the top-right corner to manually add the Binance Smart Chain one — it doesn’t come packaged with MetaMask.

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com​

4. That’s it! Now your metamask is connected to BSC!

II. Now we want to mint our first NFT on Liquidifty. Just go to the page: https://app.liquidifty.io/create and upload all necessary information there.

  1. File — choose a file you want to upload. The file size should be less than 30 Mb.
  2. NFT Name — the name of your NFT. Try to keep it short.
  3. NFT Description — the description of your NFT. Describe what it is about, what the collector will get and anything you think the buyer should know.
  4. Amount — the amount of copies. If you want the NFT to be one of its kind just set “1”. If you want to make a series of 10 identical artworks — set 10.
  5. Price — fixed price for NFT or for each copy if you made a series of identical artworks. Please notice, the price is set in BNB token. Actual BNB-USD rate can be found there.
  6. Royalty — commission which you, as a creator, will receive for each secondary market reselling of your work on the Liquidifty marketplace. For example, if you set the royalty to 10%: when you firstly sell your artwork to an X-buyer, you get 100% of the price (2.5% fee is applied). And then, when Mr. X sells our artwork to Mr. Y, Mr. X will get 90% of the amount and you will get 10% of the amount. So, for all the secondary market trades of your NFT you will receive your commission as a creator.

III. When everything is ready just push the “Create NFT button” and make several approvals on the smart-contract


IV. That’s it! Congratulations! Now your NFT is minted and displayed in the Marketplace!


$LQT token is NOT available for trading yet. Please, be aware of scammers.

Total (max) supply: 50,000,000 $LQT
Initial circulation supply: 888,500 $LQT

How and Where to Buy LQT token?

LQT token is now live on the Binance mainnet. The token address for LQT is 0xbd2c43da85d007b0b3cd856fd55c299578d832bc. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you.

Just be sure you have enough BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction fees.

Join To Get BNB (Binance Coin)! ☞ CLICK HERE

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step

You need a wallet address to Connect to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet

If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps

What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use

Transfer $BNB to your new Metamask wallet from your existing wallet

Next step

Connect Metamask Wallet to Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy, Swap LQT token

Contract: 0xbd2c43da85d007b0b3cd856fd55c299578d832bc

Read more: What is Pancakeswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Pancakeswap

The top exchange for trading in LQT token is currently Pancakeswap v2

Find more information LQT

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🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.

🔥 If you’re a beginner. I believe the article below will be useful to you ☞ What You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency - For Beginner

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What is Liquidifty (LQT) | What is Liquidifty token | What is LQT token
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