This video is about Window Functions in SQL which is also referred to as Analytic Function in some of the RDBMS. SQL Window Functions covered in this video are FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, NTH_VALUE, NTILE, CUME_DIST and PERCENT_RANK. Also we cover how to use FRAME Clause while writing SQL Queries using window function. We also look at alternate way of writing SQL Query using window function.

We discuss in detail about the Frame clause and how RANGE is different from ROWS and how to use Unbounded Preceding and Unbounded Following while using certain window functions.

This video is focused on teaching how to write SQL Queries using different window functions or analytic functions. We go through the syntax of using first value, last value, frame clause, nth value. ntile, cume dist and percent rank as window function in SQL query.

We look at how to use WINDOW clause while writing SQL query using window functions. We talk about the OVER clause and how partition by clause can impact the result set.

Over clause is explained in detail in this video. Over clause is used in SQL when we need to use window function. Inside Over clause, we also use Partition By clause and also Order by clause.
Partition By clause is used to specify the column based on which different windows needs to be created.

The window function you learn in this video is applicable to any RDBMS since these functions are commonly used across most of the popular RDBMS such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server etc.

00:00 Intro
10:25 Frame Clause
22:26 Alternate way of writing SQL Query using window function using Window clause
31:47 NTILE


How to Write SQL Query using Frame Clause, CUME_DIST
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