Chat App is a favorite application which every programmer want to be make their own chat application in their programming career. This Chat application mostly used to communicate with friends and in business world company has communicate with their customer to provide assistant or help to customer regarding their services or product which they has offered. So, it is very important application which required in every website or web application. So, this type of system we have start to make in step by step process by using PHP script with Ajax Jquery Mysql Bootstrap and JQuery UI library.

Do you know real time chat application, real time chat application means we can communicate multiple person at the same time, so there are many business houses use a chat application for communicate with their customer in real time and provide services. For the importance of this chat system we have decided to publish tutorial on chat application in php and mysql using Ajax JQuery.

So, in this post we are going to make simple chat application by using Ajax Jquery and PHP programming and Mysql database. Ajax with Jquery script is used to send and received request for data from client machine to server and server to client machine using PHP. It is mainly used for create real time application for send and received data without refresh of web page. In the real web world, we have generally use HTTP request GET and POST method for communication done between client and server side. In this PHP Chat application we have use Ajax Jquery to communicate with the server. Below you can find complete step by step process for create Chat Application in PHP using Ajax.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Database Structure for PHP Ajax Chat Application

Here this is Mysql database structure for PHP Mysql chat system. Following tables we will use to make chat app.

-- Database: `chat`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `chat_message`

CREATE TABLE `chat_message` (
  `chat_message_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `to_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `from_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `chat_message` text NOT NULL,
  `status` int(1) NOT NULL

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `login`

CREATE TABLE `login` (
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL

-- Dumping data for table `login`

INSERT INTO `login` (`user_id`, `username`, `password`) VALUES
(1, 'johnsmith', '$2y$10$4REfvTZpxLgkAR/lKG9QiOkSdahOYIR3MeoGJAyiWmRkEFfjH3396'),
(2, 'peterParker', '$2y$10$4REfvTZpxLgkAR/lKG9QiOkSdahOYIR3MeoGJAyiWmRkEFfjH3396'),
(3, 'davidMoore', '$2y$10$4REfvTZpxLgkAR/lKG9QiOkSdahOYIR3MeoGJAyiWmRkEFfjH3396');

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `login_details`

CREATE TABLE `login_details` (
  `login_details_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `last_activity` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `is_type` enum('no','yes') NOT NULL

-- Indexes for dumped tables

-- Indexes for table `chat_message`
ALTER TABLE `chat_message`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`chat_message_id`);

-- Indexes for table `login`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`);

-- Indexes for table `login_details`
ALTER TABLE `login_details`
  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`login_details_id`);

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `chat_message`
ALTER TABLE `chat_message`
  MODIFY `chat_message_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `login`

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `login_details`
ALTER TABLE `login_details`
  MODIFY `login_details_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;

Once you have make chat database and above table in your mysql database then you have to make database connection. For making database connection using PHP PDO we have to write following code.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat", "root", "");


Make Login and Logout page for chat application using PHP and Jquery

Once you have make database connection then after we want to make login and logout page for our PHP Mysql Chat system. We all know Login into a system is one type of process in which an user can gain access into our web application by identifying their authenticating their identity to system. So here for using our Live Chat Application we have to make Login and logout process, so we can authenticating user identity and get access them to gain our chat application. And by clicking on logout link they can leave our Chat app. Below you can find login source code for this PHP Ajax Chat script.

View Demo





$message = '';


 $query = "
   SELECT * FROM login 
    WHERE username = :username
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
      ':username' => $_POST["username"]
  $count = $statement->rowCount();
  if($count > 0)
  $result = $statement->fetchAll();
    foreach($result as $row)
      if(password_verify($_POST["password"], $row["password"]))
        $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
        $_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
        $sub_query = "
        INSERT INTO login_details 
        VALUES ('".$row['user_id']."')
        $statement = $connect->prepare($sub_query);
        $_SESSION['login_details_id'] = $connect->lastInsertId();
       $message = "Wrong Password";
  $message = "Wrong Username";


        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


      Chat Application Login


       Enter Username
       Enter Password

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

This is simple login page code for our PHP Chat application. Here we have authenticate user details like username and password. If this both details is proper then he can get access into this online chat system. Otherwise it will get wrong information error on web page. Suppose user has enter proper details then he can get access into our live chat app. Here we have store hash password in database, so for validate hash password we have use password_verify() function. By using this function this system can authenticate user password. After authenticate process particular user details like user id and user name has been store into $_SESSION variable and this variable value we can from accross system. Particular user login details like his user id and timestamp details has been inserted into login_details table. After inserting their login details into database then last inserted id of login_details table has been get by using lastInsertId() method and store into $_SESSION[‘login_details_id’] variable. This data will help use to know particular user online status like he is onlin and offline. So, this whole discussion of login table.

After login in Chat Application user will be redirect to index page. Below you can find index page source code. This page cannot access directly without login into system because for access this page we want to login into system. So, authenticated used can only access this page. For this here we have validate $_SESSION[‘user_id’] variable value. Here you can find logout page link also.






        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")


Above code is index.php code and this page can be access only after login into Chat system. Here we can see logout link also. Once we have click on this link we will be logout from this system and page has been redirect to login.php page. Below you can find logout.php page code.







How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Display User Data in PHP Ajax Chat system

After complete discuss of login and logout source code. Now we have move to next stage of Chat Application development and this stag is display all user data on web page when user login into Chat application and after validate user data then he will redirect to index.php page. On this page we want to display all user data which are available in login table. So login user can decide to which person he want to login. In this step we have simple fetch user data from login table and display on index page. Below you can source code for display user details on web page.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")







$query = "
SELECT * FROM login 
WHERE user_id != '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' 

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


$result = $statement->fetchAll();

$output = '


foreach($result as $row)
 $output .= '
  Start Chat

$output .= '';

echo $output;


Here we have create one tag with id=“user_details” tag, under this tag it will display user detail table format. For fetch details, here we have make function which send ajax request to fetch_user.php page. This fetch user data and converted into html and send to ajax function which has been display on webpage.

Display Online / Offline User Status in Live chat application

This is next step of How to create chat application in PHP and in this step we have discuss how to display online and offline status of user in real time chat system using PHP Ajax. Because if login can see particular is online then he can chat with online user and he cam make chat conversation with him. For this we want to display particular user status is online or offline. Online user means, user has login into system and he has stay on index.php page. For this we have write following source code for check user is status is online or offline in chat application using PHP.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")







$query = "
UPDATE login_details 
SET last_activity = now() 
WHERE login_details_id = '".$_SESSION["login_details_id"]."'

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

First on index.php page we have make one function update_last_activity(), this function will ajax request to update_last_activity.php page for update login user last activity datatime details in login_details table. And this function we have called every 5 seconds by using setInterval() jquery method. Under this method we have also add fetch_user() function also. So on every 5 seconds this both function will be called, function will update login user datetime details under login_details table and second function fetch and display updated user details on webpage.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat", "root", "");


function fetch_user_last_activity($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM login_details 
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id' 
 ORDER BY last_activity DESC 
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['last_activity'];


After this on database_connection.php page we have make one function fetch_user_last_activity(). This function will fetch particular user last_activity datetime data from login_details table. So, by using this function we can get particular user last activity datetime, so we can check user is online or not in Live Chat App using Ajax with PHP. For this things we have some code at fetch_user.php file. Below you can find that source code.





$query = "
SELECT * FROM login 
WHERE user_id != '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' 

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


$result = $statement->fetchAll();

$output = '


foreach($result as $row)
 $status = '';
 $current_timestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '- 10 second');
 $current_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_timestamp);
 $user_last_activity = fetch_user_last_activity($row['user_id'], $connect);
 if($user_last_activity > $current_timestamp)
  $status = 'Online';
  $status = 'Offline';
 $output .= '
  Start Chat

$output .= '';

echo $output;


Above code we can see, we have add some code for check particular user is online or offline. For this here first we have store current date time in one variable and and from this datetime we have minus 10 seconds. After this we have store single user last activity datetime has been get by fetch_user_last_activity() and store in one variable. Now we can compare user last activity datetime data with current datetime. If user last activity datetime value greater than current datetime value that means user is login into system and his status will be online and if user last activity datetime value less than current datetime then user status will be offline. So this way we can display user status online or offline in web server based Chat application in PHP.

Make Dynamic Chat Box for Each User in Ajax PHP Chat Application

Now we come to main discussion of PHP Ajax Chat Application and here we have one question how can we generated dynamic chat dialog box for each user. Because this is main part in this via this dialog box user can chat with each other. For this how can we make dynamic chat dialog box for each. For this we have make one jquery function on index.php. This function will dynamically generate html code for chat dialog box. Here for chat dialog box we have use JQuery UI Dialog box plugin. So, when we have called this function this function will generate html code for chat dialog box. Below you can find source code for generating of dynamic chat dialog box.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")




In Above source code which we have write index.php page. Here we can see make_chat_dialog_box() function. This function will generate chat dialog box for each user based on value of to_user_id and to_user_name argument. So, based on value of this both argument, this function will make dynamic chat dialog box for every user. Now when this function will be called, this function will be called when we have click on stat chat button. So here we can see jquery code in which we can see start chat button class .start_chat which is selector with click event. So when we have click on this button it will fetch value from data-touserid and data-tousername attribute and store in variable. After this it has called make_chat_dialog_box(to_user_id, to_user_name) function and it will make dynamic chat dialog box for particular user of which we have click on start chat button. So, this way we can make dynamic chat dialog box in our online chat application using PHP.

Insert Chat Message into Mysql Database

Once we have completed learning How can we create dynamic chat dialog box for our chat application in PHP. Now we want to know how can we insert chat message into database and display list of chat message in chat dialog box. So, when we have click on start chat button of any particular user then chat dialog box has been pop up on web page and in that box there is one textarea field in which we chat type chat message and click on send button then chat message will be inserted into database. After insert into database it will display all chat message conversation between two user will be display in chat dialog box without refresh of web page. Because it is a real time chat application which we have made by using PHP with Ajax. Below we can find source code of insert chat message into msyql database.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")




How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Here in index.php page we have write jquery script on send button which class is .send_chat as selector. So when we have click on send button in chat dialog box then it will execute this block of code. In this script we have fetch value of id attribute of this send button in which we have store user id to whom we have send message. After this we have fetch value of textarea in which we have write chat message. After this we have send ajax request to insert_chat.php page for insert chat message into mysql database. This page source code we can find below.





$data = array(
 ':to_user_id'  => $_POST['to_user_id'],
 ':from_user_id'  => $_SESSION['user_id'],
 ':chat_message'  => $_POST['chat_message'],
 ':status'   => '1'

$query = "
INSERT INTO chat_message 
(to_user_id, from_user_id, chat_message, status) 
VALUES (:to_user_id, :from_user_id, :chat_message, :status)

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);

 echo fetch_user_chat_history($_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['to_user_id'], $connect);


Above source code for insert chat message into Mysql table. Here we have make simple insert query using PHP PDO and pass required data for insert into database. After insert into database we want to display all chat message conversation in chat dialog box. So we have to fetch chat data from database which source code we can find below.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat", "root", "");


function fetch_user_last_activity($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM login_details 
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id' 
 ORDER BY last_activity DESC 
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['last_activity'];

function fetch_user_chat_history($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE (from_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$to_user_id."') 
 OR (from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."') 
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  if($row["from_user_id"] == $from_user_id)
   $user_name = 'You';
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';
  $output .= '
   '.$user_name.' - '.$row["chat_message"].'
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 return $output;

function get_user_name($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "SELECT username FROM login WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['username'];


For fetch chat conversation we have make fetch_user_chat_history() function in database_connection.php file. This function has fetch latest chat message from mysql database and return data in html format. Here we have make one another function get_user_name() this function has return username of particular user based on value of user_id. So, this two function has use for return chat message in html format and this data has been display under chat dialog box using Ajax. So, this way we have insert chat message into mysql database and then after display in chat dialog box using Ajax with PHP.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Auto Refresh Chat Message in PHP Chat Application

Once chat message has inserted into Mysql database then after we want to display chat message to sender and receiver in their chat history without refresh of web page. For this we have make two jquery function on index.php page. Below you can find source code of it.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")




Above we can see we have make two function like fetch_user_chat_history() and update_chat_history_data() function. First function fetch chat data from mysql table and display under chat history div tag of particular user dialog box. After this we have called this function into make_chat_dialog_box(). So when user click on start chat button then it will called make_chat_dialog_box() function for make dynamic chat dialog box and under this function will called fetch_user_chat_history() which fetch chat message of sender and receiver and display under chat dialog box chat history div tag.

For make live and real time chat application we have make update_chat_history_data() function, this function we have use each() jquery method on .chat_history div tag. So this method will fetch data-touserid of each div tag of this class and store under this to_user_id variable and then after it will called fetch_user_chat_history() function based on value of to_user_id variable. So this function will update chat history in all chat dialog box which we have open in web page. For live and real time chat system we have add this update_chat_history_data() function into setInterval() method. So this function will be executed on every 5 seconds and it will update chat history data on every 5 seconds on web page in each user chat dialog box.





echo fetch_user_chat_history($_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['to_user_id'], $connect);


Above code has been executed when ajax request send request to this page. Here we have simply called fetch_chat_history() function which we have make under database_connection.php. This function will fetch sender and receiver chat data and converted into html format and send to Ajax request.

Make New Message Notification in Chat Application

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

When sender send chat message to receiver then at receiver web page new message notification must be display and display how many new message he has received. So this feature we have add into this PHP Ajax Chat Application. For this we have make one function in database_connection.php file which source code you can find below.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat", "root", "");


function fetch_user_last_activity($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM login_details 
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id' 
 ORDER BY last_activity DESC 
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['last_activity'];

function fetch_user_chat_history($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE (from_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$to_user_id."') 
 OR (from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."') 
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  if($row["from_user_id"] == $from_user_id)
   $user_name = 'You';
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';
  $output .= '
   '.$user_name.' - '.$row["chat_message"].'
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 $query = "
 UPDATE chat_message 
 SET status = '0' 
 WHERE from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND status = '1'
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 return $output;

function get_user_name($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "SELECT username FROM login WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['username'];

function count_unseen_message($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE from_user_id = '$from_user_id' 
 AND to_user_id = '$to_user_id' 
 AND status = '1'
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $count = $statement->rowCount();
 $output = '';
 if($count > 0)
  $output = ''.$count.'';
 return $output;


Above we can see count_unseen_message() function which get number chat message is unread under chat message table for particular user. Here status ‘1’ means message unread and once message has been read then status will be change to ‘0’. So this function will count unread message of receiver of partcular sender based on value of status. For change message status we have add update chat message query under fetch_user_chat_history() so when this function will called then it will change chat message to ‘0’. After this function has been called in fetch_user.php where we have fetch user details. So, it will display new message notification when it has fetch user details. So on every user row it will display any new message notification or not.





$query = "
SELECT * FROM login 
WHERE user_id != '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' 

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


$result = $statement->fetchAll();

$output = '


foreach($result as $row)
 $status = '';
 $current_timestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '- 10 second');
 $current_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_timestamp);
 $user_last_activity = fetch_user_last_activity($row['user_id'], $connect);
 if($user_last_activity > $current_timestamp)
  $status = 'Online';
  $status = 'Offline';
 $output .= '
  '.$row['username'].' '.count_unseen_message($row['user_id'], $_SESSION['user_id'], $connect).'
  Start Chat

$output .= '';

echo $output;


Here Above we have called count_unseen_message() function for display any new message notification for every user. If there is any new message notification then it will display new chat message notification otherwise it will not display notification. So this way we can display new message notification in Chat Application by using PHP with Ajax JQuery with Mysql.

Display Typing Notification to Receiver When Sender Start Type

Here we have add one more in out chat application and that is how can we display typing notification to receiver when sender has start type in his chat dialog box. We have mainly seen this type of feature in many social media site. So, here we have also add this functionality in building of chat application using PHP Ajax. For this we have add one table column with name is_type in login_details table with enum(‘no’,‘yes’) datatype. No means user is not type in his chat dialog box and yes means user is start type in his chat dialog box. When user login into chat system then this column value will be no and we will update this column value to yes when user has start write in his chat dialog box.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")




How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

First we have on index.php page make_chat_dialog_box() function and in this function we have add .chat_message in the class attribute of textarea field. We will use this class attribute as a selector in jquery script. After this we have use this selector with jquery focus and blur event. Focus event means when cursor come into textarea field then this focus event code will execute at that time is_type variable value is equal to yes and this variable we have send to ajax request for update is_type table column value to yes. And on blur event when cursor leave from textarea field and at that time is_type variable value set to not and send this variable to ajax request for update is_type table column value set to no in PHP script.





$query = "
UPDATE login_details 
SET is_type = '".$_POST["is_type"]."' 
WHERE login_details_id = '".$_SESSION["login_details_id"]."'

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);



This update_is_type_status.php page has received two ajax request at textarea field focus event and second request on textarea field blur event. In both event request has been send to this page for update value of is_type table column of login_details table. Now we want to fetch when particular user login_details table is_status column value is yes which source code we can find below.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat", "root", "");


function fetch_user_last_activity($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM login_details 
 WHERE user_id = '$user_id' 
 ORDER BY last_activity DESC 
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['last_activity'];

function fetch_user_chat_history($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE (from_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$to_user_id."') 
 OR (from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."') 
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  if($row["from_user_id"] == $from_user_id)
   $user_name = 'You';
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';
  $output .= '
   '.$user_name.' - '.$row["chat_message"].'
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 $query = "
 UPDATE chat_message 
 SET status = '0' 
 WHERE from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND status = '1'
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 return $output;

function get_user_name($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "SELECT username FROM login WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 foreach($result as $row)
  return $row['username'];

function count_unseen_message($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE from_user_id = '$from_user_id' 
 AND to_user_id = '$to_user_id' 
 AND status = '1'
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $count = $statement->rowCount();
 $output = '';
 if($count > 0)
  $output = ''.$count.'';
 return $output;

function fetch_is_type_status($user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT is_type FROM login_details 
 WHERE user_id = '".$user_id."' 
 ORDER BY last_activity DESC 
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  if($row["is_type"] == 'yes')
   $output = ' - *Typing...*';
 return $output;


How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

On database_connection.php file we have make one another function for fetch user typing status for this we have make fetch_is_type_status() function. This function will return value if particular user is_type table column value is yes. If any user is_type table column value is yes then we want to display on webpage.





$query = "
SELECT * FROM login 
WHERE user_id != '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' 

$statement = $connect->prepare($query);


$result = $statement->fetchAll();

$output = '


foreach($result as $row)
 $status = '';
 $current_timestamp = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . '- 10 second');
 $current_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_timestamp);
 $user_last_activity = fetch_user_last_activity($row['user_id'], $connect);
 if($user_last_activity > $current_timestamp)
  $status = 'Online';
  $status = 'Offline';
 $output .= '
  '.$row['username'].' '.count_unseen_message($row['user_id'], $_SESSION['user_id'], $connect).' '.fetch_is_type_status($row['user_id'], $connect).'
  Start Chat

$output .= '';

echo $output;


For display sender typing message notification to receiver for this we have called fetch_is_type_status() function in fetch_user.php page along with display of username table column. This page send updated user data on every 5 seconds. So, on every 5 seconds this function will be called and it will display updated status on web page. So, this is the whole process for display sender typing notification on receiver web page. This will add additional functionality in our chat application.

If have learn How to create Chat application in PHP with Ajax JQuery Mysql Bootstrap and Jquery UI from this tutorial. If you have any query into tutorial, please comment your query in comment box. We will reply on that comment and solve any issue in this real time live chat application using PHP Ajax.

Insert Emoji in Chat Message

Here we have add one more feature in PHP Chat application tutorial and this feature is how to insert Emoji in textarea field of chat message and emoji insert into mysql database and fetch emoji from Mysql database and display on web page using PHP with Ajax JQuery. For Insert Emoji into Mysql database, so first we have want to configured our mysql database for insert emoji into database. If we have not configured database then emoji will be converted into special character. For configured Mysql database, so first we have to change collation of Mysql database from default to uft8mb4_bin. For this we have to write following SQL query.


Above query will change default of collation of Mysql database to utf8mb4_bin. Same way we want to also change collation of table in which want to store emoji with chat message. For this we have to write below sql query.

ALTER TABLE chat_message CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin

The Above query will change default collation of chat_message table to utf8mb4_bin. This is required for store emoji under Mysql database. After this we want to add character set in database connection also. For this we have to go to database_connection.php file and define character set in database connection string.



$connect = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=chat;charset=utf8mb4", "root", "");

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

So this way we can define character set under database connection string. This way we can configured our Mysql database for insert emoji under Mysql database table. Now we have proceed for how to use emoji in our PHP application. For emoji use in our web application we have use emojioneArea plugin. By using this plugin we can use emoji in our PHP web application. Below you can find index.php file code in which we have integrate emojioneArea plugin.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


    #### Online User

Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")




Above we can see how to use emojioneArea plugin, so first we have imported emojioneArea plugin stylesheet and javascript file in above of this page. Now we want to initialize emojioneArea plugin on textarea field of chat dialog box in which we have type chat message. So, in jquery code on .start_chat click event and in this we have initialize emojioneArea plugin by using emojioneArea() method. This method will initialize this plugin when we have click on start chat button then this plugin will activate and we can on textarea field. After send of message we want to clear textarea field text with emoji, so we have use use emojioneArea.setText(‘’), by using this method we can clear emoji with text from textarea field. So this way we can use emoji in our PHP Chat application.

Group Chat

This simple one to one chat application which we have build still, but now we have add Group Chat feature also in Chat System. By using Group chat all user can communicate with each other in one single place at the same time and all user can see message of all user in Group Chat window. So, Below you can find step by step source of Group Chat which we have integrate in our exisiting chat application.




How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Here first we have make Group Chat dialog box by using Jquery UI dialog plugin which source code you have find above in index.php file.



This code will activate jQuery UI dialog plugin on #group_chat_dialog div tag and autoOpen option set to false means it will not pop up dialog box on page load.


Group Chat

Here we have define one button, when we have click on group_chat button then we want to pop up Group Chat dialog box on web page. Here we have also define one hidden field with id = is_active_group_chat_window. This field value we have set to no that means Group chat dialog box is not open on web page. This field value will be change to yes if Group chat has been pop up on web page.



For pop up group chat dialog box we have write above jquery code on button with id=group_chat. For pop up group chat dialog box we have use .dialog(‘open’) method. After pop up of group chat box we have change hidden field value to ‘yes’ and here we have called fetch_group_chat_history() function which will fetch group chat message and display under group chat dialog box. This function source code you can find below.


 var chat_message = $('#group_chat_message').val();
 var action = 'insert_data';
 if(chat_message != '')
   data:{chat_message:chat_message, action:action},

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

Above code is for insert chat message into Group chat. For this here we have use Ajax request, by using Ajax request we have send request to PHP script for insert chat message into Mysql table. Here we have send request to group_chat.php file.


function fetch_group_chat_history()
 var group_chat_dialog_active = $('#is_active_group_chat_window').val();
 var action = "fetch_data";
 if(group_chat_dialog_active == 'yes')

For fetch all group chat message here we have make one jquery function which use Ajax request for fetch Group chat message from Mysql database and display under Group Chat dialog box. Here also ajax request has been send to group_chat.php file.





if($_POST["action"] == "insert_data")
 $data = array(
  ':from_user_id'  => $_SESSION["user_id"],
  ':chat_message'  => $_POST['chat_message'],
  ':status'   => '1'

 $query = "
 INSERT INTO chat_message 
 (from_user_id, chat_message, status) 
 VALUES (:from_user_id, :chat_message, :status)

 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);

  echo fetch_group_chat_history($connect);


if($_POST["action"] == "fetch_data")
 echo fetch_group_chat_history($connect);


This is source code of group_chat.php file. Here we have perform two database operation. If $_POST[“action”] == ‘insert_data’, then that block of code will insert group chat message into Mysql table and if $_POST[“action”] == ‘fetch_data’ then that block of code will fetch all group chat message from Mysql database. For fetch group chat message we have make one php function like fetch_group_chat_history($connect) in database_connection.php file.



function fetch_group_chat_history($connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE to_user_id = '0'  
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC

 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);


 $result = $statement->fetchAll();

 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  if($row["from_user_id"] == $_SESSION["user_id"])
   $user_name = 'You';
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';

  $output .= '

   '.$user_name.' - '.$row['chat_message'].' 
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 return $output;


Above source code is from database_connection.php file php function fetch_group_chat_history($connect). This function return fetch all group chat message.




}, 5000);

For make group chat in real time then we have called jquery fetch_group_chat_history() function in setInterval() method in which fetch_group_chat_history() run on every 5 seconds and it will make Group chat feature in real time. So, this is step by step process of integrate Group chat feature in our exisiting chat application which has been made by using PHP with Ajax Jquery, Mysql and Bootstrap.

Image Share in Group Chat

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

After making Group Chat feature in Chat App, now we have add one more feature like image share in exisiting Chat application. So, Group user can share image in Group and that image can view by all member. For share image we have use Jquery Form plugin, by using this plugin we can share image in Group chat. Same way we have replace textarea field with editable div tag by using contenteditable attribute. By using this attribute we can make editable div tag for type chat message. And under this tag we will display uploaded image, so user can type message with image also. And by click on send button group member can share image in Group which will be visible to all member of group. Below you can find source code of How to share image in group chat of Chat application.







        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


     #### Online User

     Group Chat
Hi -  - [Logout](logout.php "Logout")










  $_source_path = $_FILES['uploadFile']['tmp_name'];
  $target_path = 'upload/' . $_FILES['uploadFile']['name'];
  if(move_uploaded_file($_source_path, $target_path))
   echo '




Remove individual Chat Message

In this Ajax PHP Chat system we have add one more feature like how can user can remove their chat message from One to one chat. So, here we have add this functionality, so from chat from two person, sender user can remove his chat from chat history. In many social medial website we can see this type of feature. This feature is required, if user chat some mistake in chat message and post that message. This type of message can be removed by sender user. So that message will not be visible to receiver user.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

For make this type of functionality under this system, first we have to put remove button with chat message. In this system in database_connection.php file, we have make one function fetch_user_chat_history(). This function has return chat history create between to user. In this function we have add remove chat message button. By click on this button particular user can remove his or her chat message. Below this you can find updated PHP code for fetch_user_chat_history() function.



function fetch_user_chat_history($from_user_id, $to_user_id, $connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE (from_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$to_user_id."') 
 OR (from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."') 
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  $dynamic_background = '';
  $chat_message = '';
  if($row["from_user_id"] == $from_user_id)
   if($row["status"] == '2')
    $chat_message = '*This message has been removed*';
    $user_name = 'You';
    $chat_message = $row['chat_message'];
    $user_name = 'x You';

   $dynamic_background = 'background-color:#ffe6e6;';
   if($row["status"] == '2')
    $chat_message = '*This message has been removed*';
    $chat_message = $row["chat_message"];
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';
   $dynamic_background = 'background-color:#ffffe6;';
  $output .= '
   '.$user_name.' - '.$chat_message.'
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 $query = "
 UPDATE chat_message 
 SET status = '0' 
 WHERE from_user_id = '".$to_user_id."' 
 AND to_user_id = '".$from_user_id."' 
 AND status = '1'
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 return $output;


Once remove chat button come with Chat history. After this we have to write Ajax Jquery code for send change status of particular chat message. So, on index.php we have write jQuery code, so when user click on remove chat button then this code will execute and this code will send ajax request to remove_chat.php file for change particular chat message status.


$(document).on('click', '.remove_chat', function(){
  var chat_message_id = $(this).attr('id');
  if(confirm("Are you sure you want to remove this chat?"))





 $query = "
 UPDATE chat_message 
 SET status = '2' 
 WHERE chat_message_id = '".$_POST["chat_message_id"]."'

 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);



In above code we can see on index.php file we have add one more jQuery code for give action to remove chat button and in that code we have send Ajax request to remove_chat.php file for change status of chat message based on id value of chat message. This is whole process for add remove chat functionality in Live chat application using PHP Ajax jQuery and Mysql.

Remove Chat Message from Group Chat

After remove chat message from one to one chat history, then after in Chat Application, here we have add one more functionality like remove chat message from Group chat history also. Suppose user want to remove his chat message which he has post in Group then he can remove by using this feature. He can not only remove their message but also he can also remove image which he share into Group.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

For implement this feature in existing Chat application we do not want to make huge changes in our existing PHP and jQuery code. First we do not want make any changes in index.php file. Which ever we have write jQuery code on .remove_chat button class, that code here we will also use for remove chat message from Group Chat history.

But we have make required changes in database_connection.php file fetch_group_chat_history(), because this function return Group chat history. So we have to make some changes under this function. Under this function we have to add remove chat button with chat message and this button must be visible to only that user who has share chat under group. Below you can find changes under function for fetch fetch group chat history.



function fetch_group_chat_history($connect)
 $query = "
 SELECT * FROM chat_message 
 WHERE to_user_id = '0'  
 ORDER BY timestamp DESC
 $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
 $result = $statement->fetchAll();
 $output = '';
 foreach($result as $row)
  $user_name = '';
  $chat_message = '';
  $dynamic_background = '';

  if($row['from_user_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id'])
   if($row["status"] == '2')
    $chat_message = '*This message has been removed*';
    $user_name = 'You';
    $chat_message = $row['chat_message'];
    $user_name = 'x You';
   $dynamic_background = 'background-color:#ffe6e6;';
   if($row["status"] == '2')
    $chat_message = '*This message has been removed*';
    $chat_message = $row['chat_message'];
   $user_name = ''.get_user_name($row['from_user_id'], $connect).'';
   $dynamic_background = 'background-color:#ffffe6;';
  $output .= '
   '.$user_name.' - '.$chat_message.' 
     - *'.$row['timestamp'].'*
 $output .= '';
 return $output;


Registration in Chat application using PHP

Now our chat system core part is ready, so we want to make this system dynamic. That means new user can register into chat system and take part into chat with other member or group chat. For this we add new feature like new user registration in this PHP Ajax Chat application. By using this feature new use can register into this chat system and login into system and use this chat application different functionality like one to chat or group chat. This new register user can chat all member who has register into this system.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

For make registration form for this chat application we have use simple HTML for front end and for backend we have use PHP script. Below you can find complete source code for Chat application registration using PHP.






$message = '';


 $username = trim($_POST["username"]);
 $password = trim($_POST["password"]);
 $check_query = "
 SELECT * FROM login 
 WHERE username = :username
 $statement = $connect->prepare($check_query);
 $check_data = array(
  ':username'  => $username
  if($statement->rowCount() > 0)
   $message .= '
Username already taken
    $message .= '
Username is required
    $message .= '
Password is required
    if($password != $_POST['confirm_password'])
     $message .= '
Password not match
   if($message == '')
    $data = array(
     ':username'  => $username,
     ':password'  => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT)

    $query = "
    INSERT INTO login 
    (username, password) 
    VALUES (:username, :password)
    $statement = $connect->prepare($query);
     $message = "Registration Completed";


        Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery  

   ### Chat Application using PHP Ajax Jquery


      Chat Application Register

       Enter Username
       Enter Password
       Re-enter Password
       [Login](login.php "Login")

So, here in this chat application most of the feature has been covered and it is ready for any small project which has been use for any colleage project. If you have any new feature which has been required to add into this system, you can comment into comment box.

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery

#php #ajax #jquery

How To Create Chat App in PHP Using Ajax and JQuery
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