Apache RocketMQ Go Client

A product ready RocketMQ Client in pure go, which supports almost the full features of Apache RocketMQ, such as pub and sub messages, ACL, tracing and so on.

Due Diligence

Here, we sincerely invite you to take a minute to feedback on your usage scenario.


For 2.X version, it supports:

  • sending message in synchronous mode
  • sending message in asynchronous mode
  • sending message in oneway mode
  • sending message in batch mode
  • sending orderly messages
  • sending delay messages
  • sending transaction messages
  • consuming message using push model
  • consuming message using pull model
  • consuming message using broadcast model
  • message tracing for pub and sub messages
  • ACL for producers and consumers
  • request-reply model

How to use

  • Step-by-step instruction are provided in RocketMQ Go Client Introduction
  • Consult RocketMQ Quick Start to setup rocketmq broker and nameserver.

Apache RocketMQ Community

  • RocketMQ Community Projects

Contact us

How to Contribute

Contributions are warmly welcome! Be it trivial cleanup, major new feature or other suggestion. Read this how to contribute guide for more details.

Download Details:

Author: apache

Official Github: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-client-go 

License: Apache-2.0 license

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Apache RocketMQ Go Client
2.10 GEEK