Dynjson: Client-customizable JSON formats for Dynamic APIs


Client-customizable JSON formats for dynamic APIs.


dynjson allow APIs to return only fields selected by the API client:

GET https://api.example.com/v1/foos

GET https://api.example.com/v1/foos?select=foo

GET https://api.example.com/v1/foos/1?select=foo

dynjson mimicks the original struct using the original types and json tags. The field order is the same as the select parameters.


go get github.com/cocoonspace/dynjson


type APIResult struct {
    Foo int     `json:"foo"`
    Bar string  `json:"bar"`

f := dynjson.NewFormatter()

res := &APIResult{Foo:1, Bar:"bar"}
o, err := f.Format(res, dynjson.FieldsFromRequest(r))
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(o) // {"foo": 1}

With struct fields:

type APIResult struct {
    Foo int          `json:"foo"`
    Bar APIIncluded  `json:"bar"`

type APIIncluded struct {
    BarFoo int    `json:"barfoo"`
    BarBar string `json:"barbar"`

f := dynjson.NewFormatter()

res := &APIResult{Foo: 1, Bar: APIIncluded{BarFoo:1, BarBar: "bar"}}
o, err := f.Format(res, []string{"foo", "bar.barfoo"})
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(o) // {"foo": 1, "bar":{"barfoo": 1}}

With slices:

type APIResult struct {
    Foo int     `json:"foo"`
    Bar string  `json:"bar"`

f := dynjson.NewFormatter()

res := []APIResult{{Foo: 1, Bar: "bar"}}
o, err := f.Format(res, []string{"foo"})
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(o) // [{"foo": 1}]
type APIResult struct {
    Foo int        `json:"foo"`
    Bar []APIItem  `json:"bar"`

type APIItem struct {
    BarFoo int    `json:"barfoo"`
    BarBar string `json:"barbar"`

f := dynjson.NewFormatter()

res := &APIResult{Foo: 1, Bar: []APIItem{{BarFoo: 1, BarBar: "bar"}}}
o, err := f.Format(res, []string{"foo", "bar.barfoo"})
if err != nil {
    // handle error
err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(o) // {"foo": 1, "bar":[{"barfoo": 1}]}


  • Anonymous fields without a json tag (embedded by the Go JSON encoder in the enclosing struct) are not supported,
  • Maps are copied as is, you cannot filter map contents using map_field_name.map_key.

Performance impact

BenchmarkFormat_Fields-8          2466639           480 ns/op         184 B/op           7 allocs/op
BenchmarkFormat_NoFields-8        5255031           232 ns/op          32 B/op           1 allocs/op
BenchmarkRawJSON-8                5351313           223 ns/op          32 B/op           1 allocs/op

Contribution guidelines

Contributions are welcome, as long as:

  • unit tests & comments are included,
  • no external package is used.

Download Details:

Author: cocoonspace
Source Code: https://github.com/cocoonspace/dynjson 
License: MIT license

#go #golang #json 

Dynjson: Client-customizable JSON formats for Dynamic APIs
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