What is Jigstack (STAK) | What is Jigstack token | What is STAK token

Transforming DeFi From Junk Into Gems

Our vision for Jigstack is how it can become the Microsoft of decentralized finance and decentralized commerce.

Right now, it’s a crazy town. We got innovators, pioneers, scam artists, rug pulls, phantom DApps and just a whole lot of clutter. Worse still are the clunky interfaces and feature-rich environments. While intriguing, the industry can be daunting and somewhat alien to even the most advanced professionals.

Most service providers and projects are operating under the ideology of “destroy banks” and “bring transparency back to finance,” but in reality, all they are doing is grabbing money without providing anything useful.

Disrupting is not enough. WE need to make the banks, institutions, capital controllers, and third-party intermediaries obsolete. In the same way that Microsoft helped make the typewriter obsolete by creating a user-friendly desktop program, we endeavor to succeed in the modern digital finance and commerce sector. The only way to do that is to create a safe, robust, and user-centric, simplified experience.

The five commandments of Jigstack for every product are as follows:

  • It needs to be trusted
  • It needs to be secure
  • It needs to be faster
  • it needs to be easier
  • and it needs to be cheaper

The overarching theme is that it must liberate individuals by empowering them and letting them control their data and capital without restriction. Using the current tools and infrastructure makes this aspect impossible. A top-down approach only suits the needs of the few, rather than liberating the many.

One Solution To Rule Them All

Instead of building a platform capable of performing one task well, Jigstack can take care of a lot of things through its automation. Providing a hassle-free and hands-free solution is needed to provide an injection of lifeblood to crypto and decentralized finance. Everything is governed by a DAO, which is in turn managed by the users themselves.

We create a variety of independent financial applications, each of which is built to do one thing exceptionally well. However, they all operate under a single algorithmic umbrella called Jigstack. Our central DAO manages governance and revenue/reward distribution.

We’re not trying to break the rules, we’re forcing them to be rewritten entirely by deploying censorship-resistant systems with no single point of failure. Our focus lies with systems that are provably reliable, safe, economically effective, and fair. This allows a pure emergence of the democratization of financial activity, regulation, investment, and trade.

But again, while we are flourishing in our little cottage economy, we’re really on rocky ground. We need strong foundations and grounding principles. No one to date has adequately built the winning governance model. The introduction of quadratic voting shows promise, but we’re a long way off from optimizing collective decision-making that maximizes benefits for the micro-ecosystem’s majority and health.

Addressing Core DeFi Weaknesses

This last year alone, hundreds of millions of users’ funds were lost, hacked, stolen, or fraudulently misplaced. We need a trusted source with the reliability of major centralized institutions without the dictator-esque provisions that give them complete control over our capital and data. This is what Jigstack embodies…

DeFi is a variety of financial applications that empower users anywhere in the world by optimizing any economic activities instantly across a global high-speed network. More specifically, that is what people expect to happen, but the current reality is far from it. We think Jigstack is the missing link.

We are maintaining the tenets of DeFi while providing the security blanket of institutional insured products. Jigstack provides a growing collection of Ethereum-based commercial tools which are all governed by the DAO. Instead of empowering companies with a top-down structure, the Jigstack DAO empowers all of its users equally.

What’s at stake is more than just creating a well-performing asset class or expanding financial software skills. If implemented correctly, DeFi could help stave off the next major crisis by removing single points of failure from the current financial system. When all of the ecosystem’s parts are taken together, the outcome is a way to strengthen finance by enhancing trust with mathematics.

There are ecosystem contributors, and there are ecosystem leeches. Most of the platforms in the DeFi space are designed to siphon as much capital out of the ecosystem while leaving just enough in to keep the lights on. DeFi promises reduced costs and significant efficiencies, but all we see are high fees, central parties taking everything out, et cetera.

Getting The Priorities Right

We need an automated permissionless portal that people trust. Whenever a new project is introduced, it has to gain significant market-wide exposure, and seamlessly implement a fundraising solution. Something that keeps the capital where it needs to stay — with the project to enhance its probability of success. Some projects are raising millions from users to pay listing fees or expensive token raises. Who wins? The platform? Who loses? Everyone else.

The functions required to facilitate public fundraising can be algorithmically set. So what’s the high cost? Why do these other platforms charge 5% of the raise and take a significant portion of tokens?

How it works

How it works

Why You Need To Own $STAK

We want to highlight our native $STAK token. Holders of this asset have authority over the network and can partake in community governance through the Jigstack DAO.

Jigstack provides value to DeFi and tokenization enthusiasts through uniformity, quality assurance, and user empowerment. By embracing the Decentralized Autonomous Organization model, the team creates an umbrella that encompasses multiple projects generating a revenue stream, including DeFi token launchpad Lemonade and a decentralized marketing and affiliate solution called Ethlink.

All activity taking place on the network will offer rewards to $STAK holders, including transactions, campaigns, et cetera. Our token has an unprecedented potential dividend residual. The network will take, of all the native tokens of the protocols born under the Jigstack umbrella, a 1% cut, redistributed. If $ 100 million is raised through Jigstak Umbrella for a token sale, a total of $ 1 million of that capital is distributed to all $ STAK token holders.

STAK — A utility token that has a growth trajectory.

The STAK token model provides the highest possible growth for the utility it offers when compared to other DeFi utility tokens. This is due to the company structure of JigStack. Every new product/service that JigStack develops and adds to their DAO umbrella, brings with it more opportunities for governance and residual income!

As our Jigstack DAO governs multiple revenue-generating services on the Ethereum network, our services network effect is unprecedented. We provide the least expensive way to organize token sales, the fairest way to handle affiliate marketing, and a staking solution anyone can integrate with ease. Our products and services will disrupt the DeFi and cryptocurrency industry as people know it today.

Stak is the token that will govern these products and services.

STAK’s Utility

STAK is the governance token for the JigStack platform. Owners of the STAK token earn platform fees for staking and can participate in the current and future governance of the Jigstack DAO. This includes determining the evolution of our many revenue-generating protocols and solutions. As we try to decentralize existing solutions and empower users, it is only normal token hodlers have a say in these matters.

As we prioritize transparency, fairness, and empowerment, anyone can use the Ethereum network to their full advantage. Whether you want to advertise a new product or service, create a token sale, engage in staking, or gift cryptocurrency to anyone with an email address, we have you covered. Our $STAK token is the cherry on top, as it provides continuous dividend potential to token holders.

The primary purpose of Jigstack is to govern a range of high-quality, revenue-generating network solutions on the Ethereum blockchain and other ecosystems All of the current and future applications, products, and services will be grouped under the Jigstack DAO umbrella. Community members govern the DAO as they can exert governance and revenue/reward distribution rights thanks to a single revenue and governance feed, orchestrated via the native Jigstack token (STAK).

User’s who want to participate in the governance process, or are interested in generating some platform fees will have to utilize JigStack’s Stackbank.

All protocols developed under the JigStack DAO are compatible with any Ethereum wallet in existence today and will be updated to support any future wallets. More importantly, several of our protocols are blockchain-agnostic, allowing us to offer a broader appeal to the blockchain ecosystem.

Token Utility

How it works

Platform Fees

Anyone who owns STAK will be eligible to earn rewards from all activity taking place on the network. Whether it is a token sale or affiliate commission payment, our revenue-generating products are all subject to a 1% transaction fee.

Stakbank (DAO BANK)

Stakbank is the DAO staking solution for the JigStack platform. Unlike other platforms, Stackbank lets users withdraw funds at any time without repercussions. However, to earn rewards, users must adhere to the commitment period outlined by the platform.

STAK token holders can stake their STAK in the Stakbank and earn 80% of all transaction fees that occur on the platform. The other 20% of the transaction fee revenue is used for buying back STAK on the secondary market and then burned. This is a positive for the price appreciation of STAK as there is continuous buying pressure towards the token.

Hodlers of STAK will receive their cut of this fee depending on how many tokens they own at the time of the transaction taking place.

What makes Stackbank unique is how the revenue generated can be other ERC20 tokens, or even Ethereum, depending on how our partners implement this concept. Holders can earn revenue from any activity, regardless of how much money is involved. This approach is unprecedented in this industry and elevates Jigstack above competing concepts.

Aside from generating 80% of all transactions that take place on the platform, JigStack has integrated a type of fee generation into the Lemonade protocol that allows STAK token holders to earn even more revenue!

STAK and Lemonade

One of JigStack’s first products is a  Next-gen DeFi Token Launchpad, Lemonade. I highly suggest taking a read as it has many unique qualities. Apart from having a simple interface to navigate through, it is one of the least expensive platforms to perform a token launch!

All activity taking place on the platform will offer rewards to stakers of STAK, including transactions, campaigns, et cetera. The Lemonade platform takes a 1% cut of every token listing. This is distributed to STAK stakers. For example, if $100 million is raised via JigStack for a token sale, a total of $1 million of that capital is distributed to all STAK token holders.

Another huge piece of news for the JigStack DAO is that  Hedera Hashgraph will be integrating Lemonade as its go-to token sale platform for all upcoming projects. This further validates the technology and business model we bring to the table, and which will bring value to all STAK token holders.

For those who are unaware, Hedera Hashgraph is a public blockchain network that allows individuals and businesses to create powerful decentralized applications. It is currently ranked #42 on Coinmarketcap with a market cap of almost 3b.

With the launch of Lemonade, it’s easy to see how new products that are added to the JigStack DeFi Umbrella bring with it an increased utility for STAK token holders!

Jigstack will soon conduct its upcoming STAK Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on its own Lemonade platform. This further solidifies the faith in the technology to organize frictionless token sales and serves as a viable example of why everyone should pay attention to his Jigstack product.

The STAK IDO and Lemonade Connection

With the STAK IDO being organized in Jigstack’s Lemonade, the purpose of this token will become more apparent. Not only is it the native token of the Jigstack ecosystem for governance purposes, but it will also offer holders the option to earn revenue from every transaction occurring via Lemonade and the other Jigstack projects.

Like Lemonade, the other products under the Jigstack banner will generate revenue for STAK token holders.

For example, if $100 million token sales occur through Jigstack’s Lemonade, 1% of that amount is distributed as: 80% to all STAK holders, and 20% is used to buyback STAK from the open market and then burned, reducing the total supply.

How and Where to Buy Jigstack (STAK)?

STAK token is now live on the Ethereum mainnet. The token address for STAK is 0x1f8a626883d7724dbd59ef51cbd4bf1cf2016d13. Be cautious not to purchase any other token with a smart contract different from this one (as this can be easily faked). We strongly advise to be vigilant and stay safe throughout the launch. Don’t let the excitement get the best of you.

Just be sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover the transaction fees.

You will have to first buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…

We will use Binance Exchange here as it is one of the largest crypto exchanges that accept fiat deposits.

Once you finished the KYC process. You will be asked to add a payment method. Here you can either choose to provide a credit/debit card or use a bank transfer, and buy one of the major cryptocurrencies, usually either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), Binance (BNB)…


Step by Step Guide : What is Binance | How to Create an account on Binance (Updated 2021)

Next step

You need a wallet address to Connect to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange, we use Metamask wallet

If you don’t have a Metamask wallet, read this article and follow the steps

What is Metamask wallet | How to Create a wallet and Use

Next step

Connect Metamask wallet to Uniswap Decentralized Exchange and Buy STAK token

Contract: 0x1f8a626883d7724dbd59ef51cbd4bf1cf2016d13

Read more: What is Uniswap | Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Uniswap

The top exchange for trading in STAK token is currently Uniswap (V2) and 1inch Exchange

Apart from the exchange(s) above, there are a few popular crypto exchanges where they have decent daily trading volumes and a huge user base. This will ensure you will be able to sell your coins at any time and the fees will usually be lower. It is suggested that you also register on these exchanges since once STAK gets listed there it will attract a large amount of trading volumes from the users there, that means you will be having some great trading opportunities!

Top exchanges for token-coin trading. Follow instructions and make unlimited money

 ☞ https://www.bittrex.com
 ☞ https://www.poloniex.com
 ☞ https://www.bitfinex.com
 ☞ https://www.huobi.com

Find more information STAK

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🔺DISCLAIMER: The Information in the post isn’t financial advice, is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Trading Cryptocurrency is VERY risky. Make sure you understand these risks and that you are responsible for what you do with your money.

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What is Jigstack (STAK) | What is Jigstack token | What is STAK token
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