Viva Insights Analytics Python Package

This is an Python package for analyzing and visualizing data from Microsoft Viva Insights.

Access to the Analyst Experience is required. With this library, you can generate visualizations and compute analyses in a way that adheres to the analysis best practices of the Viva Insights query outputs.

For the full package documentation, please see here. The vivainsights library is published on the Python Package Index (PyPi).

For users who prefer R to Python, we recommend the R library counterpart which mirrors the design of the Python package.

Example visualization output from the library (create_rank()):


You can install vivainsights by running this in Command Line:

pip install vivainsights

Alternatively, you can install the development version of vivainsights from this GitHub repository:

pip install -e git+

To install from a specific branch, run the following command replacing branch name with <remote-branch-name>:

pip install -e git+<remote-branch-name>#egg=vivainsights

For examples on how to create analyses and visualizations, please see the documentation.

Related repositories

  • Viva Insights R library
  • Viva RMarkdown Report Marketplace
  • Viva Insights Sample Code
  • Viva Insights Zoom Integration
  • Viva Insights OData Query Download
  • Viva Insights R library (legacy)

Download Details:

Author: Microsoft

Official Github: 

License: MIT

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Viva Insights Analytics Python Package
1.95 GEEK