How to Create a Temporary Table in SQL

In this SQL tutorial, you will learn how to create a temporary table in SQL. Temporary SQL tables are a valuable tool in the world of database management and query optimization. Through practice and experimentation, you can uncover innovative ways to leverage temporary tables and enhance your SQL skills.

SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a programming language specifically designed for managing and manipulating relational databases.

It provides a standardized way to interact with databases and perform tasks such as querying data, inserting, updating, and deleting records, creating and modifying 

database structures, and more.

SQL is widely used in the field of data management and plays a crucial role in handling data in various applications and systems. It allows users to retrieve specific information from databases by using queries, and it provides a powerful set of tools for data manipulation, analysis, and reporting.

What is a Temporary SQL Table?

A temporary SQL table, also known as a temp table, is a table that is created and used within the context of a specific session or transaction in a database management system. It is designed to store temporary data that is needed for a short duration and does not require a permanent storage solution.

Temporary tables are created on-the-fly and are typically used to perform complex calculations, store intermediate results, or manipulate subsets of data during the execution of a query or a series of queries.

These temporary tables have a specific scope and lifespan associated with them. They are only accessible within the session or transaction that created them and are automatically dropped or deleted when the session or transaction ends or when explicitly dropped by the user.

This temporary nature of the tables makes them suitable for managing data that is transient and does not need to persist beyond the immediate task at hand.

Temporary tables in SQL provide a convenient way to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. They allow for the separation of data processing stages, which can improve performance, enhance code readability, and simplify query logic.

Temporary tables can be used in various database systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and others, although the syntax and features may vary slightly between implementations.

How to Create a Temporary SQL Table

To create a temporary SQL table, we can use the CREATE TABLE statement with the TEMPORARY or TEMP keyword before the table name. Here's an example in SQL:

    id INT,
    name VARCHAR(50),
    age INT

Code explanation:

  1. The CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement is used to create a temporary table.
  2. temp_table is the name given to the temporary table. You can choose any name you like.
  3. Inside the parentheses, we define the columns of the temporary table.
  4. In this example, the temporary table temp_table has three columns: id of type INT, name of type VARCHAR(50), and age of type INT.
  5. We can add more columns as needed, specifying the column name followed by the data type.
  6. The temporary table is automatically dropped at the end of the session or when the session is terminated.

SQL Temporary Table Use Cases

Analyzing data subsets using temporary tables

One common use case for temporary tables is analyzing specific subsets of data.

Let's say we have a large dataset and want to perform complex analysis or calculations on a smaller portion of that data. We can create a temporary table containing only the necessary rows and columns for our analysis. This allows us to focus on a subset of data without modifying the original dataset. Once our analysis is complete, we can drop the temporary table.

For example:

-- Create a temporary table with data subset
SELECT column1, column2, column3
FROM original_table
WHERE condition;

-- Perform analysis on the subset data
SELECT column1, AVG(column2) AS average_value
FROM subset_data
GROUP BY column1;

-- Drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE subset_data;

Improving query performance with temporary tables

You can use temporary tables to optimize complex or resource-intensive queries. By breaking down a complex query into multiple steps using temporary tables, we can improve query performance by reducing the amount of data processed at each stage or by precomputing intermediate results.

Temporary tables allow us to store and reuse intermediate query results, avoiding redundant computations. Here's an example:

-- Create a temporary table to store intermediate results
SELECT column1, COUNT(*) AS count_value
FROM large_table
WHERE condition1
GROUP BY column1;

-- Use the temporary table to optimize the final query
SELECT column1, column2
FROM temp_results
WHERE count_value > 10
ORDER BY column1;

-- Drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE temp_results;

Staging and transforming data using temporary tables

Temporary tables are also useful for staging and transforming data before loading it into permanent tables. We can create a temporary table, import data from different sources, perform data cleansing, apply transformations, and validate the data before inserting it into the final destination.

Temporary tables provide a flexible and efficient way to process and manipulate data without affecting the original source. Here's an example:

-- Create a temporary table for staging data
    id INT,
    name VARCHAR(50),
    quantity INT

-- Import and transform data into the staging table
INSERT INTO staging_table (id, name, quantity)
SELECT id, UPPER(name), quantity * 2
FROM external_source;

-- Validate and manipulate data in the staging table
UPDATE staging_table
SET quantity = 0
WHERE quantity < 0;

-- Insert transformed data into the final table
INSERT INTO final_table (id, name, quantity)
SELECT id, name, quantity
FROM staging_table;

-- Drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE staging_table;

Differences between Temporary and Permanent Tables in SQL

LifespanExist only for the current session or connectionPersist even after the session or connection is closed.
Data persistenceData is not persisted beyond the current sessionData is persisted permanently
Storage allocationTemporary storage is typically allocated in memory or temporary storage spacePermanent storage is allocated on disk or in a database.
AccessibilityAccessible only to the session or connection that created itAccessible to all users and connections with appropriate privileges.
Naming conventionTemporary table names are often prefixed with a special character or keywordPermanent table names are not prefixed with any special character or keyword.
Data retentionData is automatically deleted at the end of the session or connectionData remains in the table until explicitly deleted or modified.
Indexes and constraintsTemporary tables can have indexes and constraints, but they are typically temporary and are dropped when the table is droppedPermanent tables can have indexes, constraints, and triggers.
Transactional propertiesTemporary tables are often not transactional by default, but this can vary depending on the database systemPermanent tables participate in transactions and support ACID properties.


Temporary SQL tables are a valuable tool in the world of database management and query optimization. They offer various benefits and can significantly enhance your SQL experience.

Through practice and experimentation, you can uncover innovative ways to leverage temporary tables and enhance your SQL skills.

Happy Coding!



How to Create a Temporary Table in SQL
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